Sažetak | Istraţivanje u cilju standardiziranja tehnike indukcije lateralnog grananja provedeno je 2013. godine u rasadniku voćnih sadnica Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek (Tovljaĉ) na jednogodišnjim okulantima jabuke sorti Wilton's® Red Jonaprince (cijepljene na podlozi M9 FL56 NIZ) i Camspur® Red Chief (cijepljene na podlozi M9 T337 NIZ). Tretmani su ukljuĉivali aplikaciju razliĉitih kombinacija BA+GA4+7 (Promalin, PR) i ciklanilida (CYC, Cyclanilide). Pokus je postavljen po sluĉajnom bloknom rasporedu. Tretmani su ukljuĉivali tri ponavljanja (repeticije). Kontrolna stabla nisu tretirana. Aplikacija je izvršena 21. i 29.05. te 18.06.2013. Vršni nerazvijeni listići otkidani su ruĉno, a bioregulatori rasta aplicirani su na vršni dio sadnice pomoću ruĉne tlaĉne prskalice. Na kraju vegetacije nakon vaĊenja obavljena su mjerenja sljedećih parametara: A - Visina od korijena do vrha; B - Visina od korijena do prve grane; C - Prosjeĉna duţina grana; D - Broj grana i E - Kut grananja. Kod promatranog parametra „Visina od korijena do vrha“ pri sorti Wilton's® PR250 rezultirao je najvećom visinom (158 cm) u odnosu na kontrolu i sve ostale tretmane. Najmanja visina od korijena do vrha dobivena je pri tretmanu CYC100. Kod sorte Camspur® pri istom promatranom parametru, tretman s CYC50 rezultirao je najvećom visinom od korijena do vrha (137,5 cm). Dok je najmanja visina od korijena do vrha dobivena pri
tretmanu PR450. Pri promatranom parametru „Visina od korijena do prve grane“ svi tretmani na obije sorte rezultirali su niţom indukcijom prvih grana u odnosu na kontrolu. Na promatrani parametar „Prosjeĉna duţina grana“ svi tretmani pri sorti Wilton's® rezultirali su duţim granama u odnosu na kontrolu. Najveću duţinu grana inducirao je tretman PR250/CYC50 (67,08 cm). Kontrastno, sorta Camspur® rezultirala je kraćom prosjeĉnom duţinom grana u odnosu na kontrolu kod svih primijenjenih tretmana, a najkraća duţina grana dobivena je pri aplikaciji PR250/CYC50. Za promatrani parametar „Broj grana“ pri sorti Wilton's® jedini tretman koji je razvio više grana od kontrole je tretman PR450 (8,2). Ostali tretmani razvili su podjednaki ili manji broj grana u odnosu na kontrolu. Sorta Camspur® razvila je kod svih tretmana veći broj grana u odnosu na kontrolu, a najveći broj grana dobiven je tretmanom PR250/CYC50 (5,18). Parametar „Kut grananja“ pri sorti Wilton's®, tretman PR250/CYC50 rezultirao je najotvorenijim kutom u odnosu na kontrolu (35,66°), dok je za sve ostale tretmane kut grananja manji od kontrolnog. Kod sorte Camspur®, svi tretmani razvili su manji kut grananja u odnosu na kontrolu, a najoštriji kut dobiven pri tretmanu PR450 (36,20°). Na temelju iznesenih rezultata, pa i uz donekle razliĉite odgovore sorti na primijenjene tretmane, mogu se općenito smatrati zadovoljavajućim ako se u obzir uzme broj induciranih grana, te razvijenost sadnica. Rezultati ukazuju na potrebu daljnjih ispitivanja ciklanilida kao potencijalnog bioregulatora s naglaskom na vaţnije nepoznanice kao što su: termin aplikacije, koncentracija preparata, metoda aplikacije, interakcija ekoloških i tehnoloških ĉimbenika, itd. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Research in aim to standardize the lateral branching induction technique conducted 2013th in fruit seedlings nursery (Agricultural Institute Osijek – Tovljaĉ) on one year inoculant apple varieties Wilton's® Red Jonaprince
(grafted on M9 FL56 NIZ rootstocks) and Camspur® Red Chief (grafted on M9 T337 NIZ rootstocks). Treatments included the application of different combinations BA+GA4+7 (Promalin, PR) and Cyclanilide (CYC). The experimental was placed as randomized block design with three replications. Control trees are not treated. Peak undeveloped leaves are pulled off by hand, and bioregulators are applied to the top part of the seedlings by hand pressure sprayer. At the end of the vegetation season the measurements were done by the following parameters: Height from root to top (A); Height from the root to the first induced branch (B); Average length of the branches (D); Number of branches (C) and Angle branching (E). In observed parameter "A" varieties Wilton's® treatment PR250 compared to control and other treatments resulted with the highest height (158 cm). The lowest height from root to top was obtained in the treatment CYC100. In cv Camspur® treatment with CYC50 resulted with the highest height from root to top (137.5 cm) and the lowest height from root to top was obtained at treatment with PR450. At the monitored parameter "B" all treatments in both varieties have resulted in a lower induction of the first branch compared to the control. At the observed parameter "C" all treatments at Wilton's® varieties have resulted with longer branches compared to the control. The longest branches induced a treatment PR250/CYC50 (67.08 cm). Contrasted, variety Camspur® resulted in a shorter average length of branches in compared to the control of all the applied treatments, and the shortest length of the branches was obtained with application of PR250/CYC50. For the observed parameter "D" in varieties Wilton's® the only treatment that was developed more branches than the control treatment are treatment PR450 (8.2). Other treatments have been developed equal or smaller number of branches compared to the control. Variety Camspur® increased the number of branches developed in all treatments compared to the control, and the largest number of induced branches was obtained by treatment PR250/CYC50 (5.18). The parameter "E" on varieties Wilton's®, treatment PR250/CYC50 resulted with the most open angle compared to the control (35.66°), while for all other treatments angle branching was less than the control. In cv Camspur®, all treatments was developed smaller branching angle compared to the control, the sharpest angle developed treatment with the PR450 (36.20°). Based on presented results and different answers the varieties on applied treatments, can generally be considered satisfactory. The results indicate the need for further testing a cyclanilide bioregulators potential focusing on important unknowns such as the term of application, concentration, method of application, the interaction of
environmental and technological factors, etc. |