Sažetak | Cilj rada bio je analizirati morfološke i muzne značajke vimena i njihove međuodnose, te iste povezati sa
zdravljem vimena. Istraživanje je rađeno na kravama holstein (HOL) i simentalske (SIM) pasmine. Uočena je
signifikantna (p<0,0001; p<0,01) povezanost duljine sisnog kanala (DSK) s debljinom zida sise (DZS), te širine vrha
sise (ŠVS) i DZS, dok je negativna korelacija uočena između DZS i širine cisterne sise (ŠCS) obje pasmine, te između
DSK i ŠCS kod SIM pasmine. Kod HOL pasmine utvrđena je značajna (p<0,01; p<0,05) korelacija između količine
mlijeka i glavne faze mužnje sa ŠCS, dok je kod SIM pasmine utvrđena negativna korelacija između ulzane faze i ŠCS.
Signifikantno (p<0,05) negativna povezanost muznih i vanjskih morfoloških svojstava utvrđena je između širine sise
poslije mužnje i trajanja uzlazne faze krivulje protoka mlijeka. Utvrđeno je da s porastom maksimalnog (HMF) i
prosječnog (DMHG) protoka mlijeka i trajanja mužnje, raste logaritmirani broj somatskih stanica (BSS (log)), dok se s
porastom BSS (log)-a smanjuje proizvodnja mlijeka. Utvrđene su značajne (p<0,05) razlike između pasmina u pogledu
muznih i morfoloških parametara. Uočeno je da krave s nižim HMF-om imaju značajno (p<0,05) duže sisne kanale (za
1,5 mm), a deblje zidove sisa (za 1,5 do 1,7 mm). Signifikantno (p<0,05) veći BSS (log) i lošija kondicija sisa utvrđena
je u krava s prebrzim HMF-om (≥ 4,5 kg/min) i DMHG-om (≥ 3,60 kg/min). Također je utvrđeno da s povećanjem
kvocijenta plato i silazne faze za 1,0, BSS (log) se smanji za -0,03 kod SIM, te za -0,13 kod HOL pasmine. Kod
holstein pasmine je utvrđeno da krave s neodređenom krivuljom protoka mlijeka imaju signifikantno (p<0,05) dulji
DSK, komparabilno s onima sa stepenastom i pravokutnom krivuljom. Također je uočeno da krave s neodređenom i
bimodalnom krivuljom mlijeka imaju veće zadebljanje DZS nakon mužnje i veći BSS (log) u odnosu na stepenastu ili
pravokutnu. Sise krava s najmanje poželjnim krivuljama imaju lošije ocjene kondicije. Kao zaključak na sve navedeno,
može se reći da je utvrđena povezanost između morfoloških, muznih i zdravstvenih značajki vimena. Krave s
ekstremnim vrijednostima protoka mlijeka, neusklađenim tijekom mužnje imale su veći BSS (log) u mlijeku, te lošiju
kondiciju sisa. Praćenje muznih svojstava i ultrazvučna metoda mjerenja pokazala su se kao dobar „selekcijski alat“ u
pojašnjenju zadane problematike. Daljnja istraživanja mogla bi se proširiti na još veći broj životinja, što bi stvorilo još
pouzdaniju podlogu za primjenu rezultata u Uzgojnom programu goveda Republike Hrvatske. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of the study was to analyze morphological and milkability traits of the udder and their
interrelationships, and the same associated with udder health. Research was done on cows of Holstein (HOL) and
Simmental (SIM) breed. There was a significant (p<0.0001; p<0.01) correlation between lenghts of the teat canal
(DSK) and thickness of the teat wall (DZS), allso between the width of the teat end (ŠVS) and DZS, while a negative
correlation was observed between DZS and width of the teat cistern (ŠCS) of both breeds, and between the DSK and
ŠCS in SIM breed. In HOL breed was significant (p<0.01; p<0.05) correlation between the amount of milk and the
main milking phase with ŠCS, while on the SIM breed were found a negative correlation between ascending phase and
ŠCS. Significantly (p<0.05) negative correlation between milkability and external morphological traits were found
between the width of the teat after milking and the duration of the ascending phase of milk flow curve. It was found that
with the increase of the maximum (HMF) and the average (DMHG) milk flow and duration of milking, are growing
logarithmic somatic cell count (BSS (log)), while the increasing in BSS (log) reduced milk production. Significant
(p<0.05) differences were found between breeds in terms of milkability and morphological traits. It was observed that
cows with lower HMF had significantly (p<0.05) longer teat canals (for 1.5 mm) and thicker walls of teats (for 1.5 to
1.7 mm). Significantly (p<0.05) higher BSS (log) and wors teat condition was found in cows with too fast HMF (≥ 4.5
kg/min) and DMHG (≥ 3.60 kg/min). It was also found that with increasing quotient of the plateau and the descending
phase for 1.0, BSS (log) reduce to -0.03 in the SIM, and to -0.13 in HOL breed. In the Holstein breed has found that
cows with indeterminate milk flow curve were significantly (p<0.05) longer DSK, comparable to those with cascading
and rectangular curve. It was also observed that cows with indeterminate and bimodal milk curve have greater
thickening DZS after milking and higher BSS (log) comparable to a cascading or rectangular. Teats of cows with at
least desirable curves have the worse teat condition score. As a conclusion to all of this, we can say that the established
correlation between morphological, milkability and udder health traits. Cows with extreme values of the milk flow,
unadjusted course of milking had higher BSS (log) in milk, and the worse teats condition. Monitoring of milkability
traits and ultrasonic measurement methods has proved to be as good "selection tool" to clarify the problematic. Further
research could be extended to an even greater number of animals, which would create a more reliable basis for the
application of the results in Cattle breeding programs of Republica of Croatian |