Sažetak | Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je utvrditi i determinirati korovnu floru koja se nalazi u usjevu suncokreta na ukupno 11 promatranih lokacija s područja Vukovarsko-srijemske i Osječko-baranjske županije i njihovo pozitivno ili negativno djelovanje na visinu stabljike, duljinu cvati i broj cvjetova volovoda. Osim upoznavanja korovne flore učinjeno je svrstavanje u taksonomske razrede. Utvrđeno je koji od navedenih korova pripada u dvosupnice ili jednosupnice, utvrđen je njihov životni vijek, način preživljavanja nepovoljnog dijela godine, njihova relativna učestalost i prosječna gustoća (b/m2). U radu je detaljan pregled agrotehnike u usjevu suncokreta na pokusnim parcelama te detaljan prikaz dozvoljenih herbicida za primjenu u sunokretu u 2022. godini. Iz navedenih parametara promatranja zaključeno je da se najvećom prosječnom gustoćom (broj jedinki/m2). Ističu se vrste pelinolisni limundžik (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) 8,5 individua po m2, divlji sirak (Sorghum halepense) (7,7 individua/m2), obična dikica (Xanthium strumarium) 4,4 individua po m2 i bijela loboda Chenopodium album (3,8 individua po m2). Navedeni korovi ističu se i velikom frekvencijom. Pored navedenih korova s značajnom frekvecijom, ali malom prosječnom gustoćom izdvajaju se i Amaranthus retroflexus (45,5%) i Xantium strumarium (36,4%).
Volovod se pojavljuje najčešće zajedno s ranije navedenim korovima.
Statistički značajne razlike u visini biljaka utvrđene su između lokaliteta 2, 3, 6, 7 i 11 (Ilok 1; Ilok 2; Draž; Mirkovac; i Duboševica kod kojih su zabilježene signifikantno niže biljke u odnosu na lokalitete: 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 (Šarengrad, Bapska, Lovas, Sokolovac, Mitrovac i Kneževi Vinogradi). Dužina cvati analiziranih biljaka kretala se od 18,46 cm (±2,72) u Dražu do 22,00 cm (± 4,59 cm) u Šarengradu. Analizirajući lokalitete na kojima je utvrđena zaraza volovodom prosječan broj cvjetova se kretao u prosjeku od 22,93 (± 4,93) u Šarengradu do 30,46 (± 6,98) u Lovasu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of this thesis was to determine and determine the weed flora found in the sunflower crop at a total of 11 observed locations from the Vukovar-Srijem and Osijek-Baranja counties and their positive or negative effect on stem height, length of bloom and number of flowers. In addition to getting to know the weed flora, classification into taxonomic classes was done. It was determined which of the mentioned weeds belong to dicotyledons or monocotyledons, their lifespan, the way they survive the unfavorable part of the year, their relative frequency and average density (b/m2) were determined. The paper contains a detailed review of agrotechnics in the sunflower crop on experimental plots and a detailed description of the permitted herbicides for use in sunflower in 2022. From the above observation parameters, it was concluded that the highest average density (number of individuals/m2). The most notable species are the ambrosia artemisiifolia 8.5 individuals per m2, the wild sorghum (Sorghum halepense) (7.7 individuals/m2), the common sorghum (Xanthium strumarium) 4.4 individuals per m2 and the white loboda Chenopodium album (3 .8 individuals per m2). The mentioned weeds also stand out due to their high frequency. In addition to the mentioned weeds with significant frequency, but low average density, Amaranthus retroflexus (45.5%) and Xantium strumarium (36.4%) stand out.
Volovod appears most often together with the previously mentioned weeds.
Statistically significant differences in plant height were found between sites 2, 3, 6, 7 and 11 (Ilok 1; Ilok 2; Draž; Mirkovac; and Duboševica, were significantly lower plants were recorded compared to sites: 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 (Šarengrad, Bapska, Lovas, Sokolovac, Mitrovac and Kneževi Vinogradi). The length of the inflorescence of the analyzed plants ranged from 18.46 cm (±2.72) in Draž to 22.00 cm (± 4.59 cm ) in Šarengrad. Analyzing the localities where the infection with the volovodo was found, the average number of flowers ranged from 22.93 (± 4.93) in Šarengrad to 30.46 (± 6.98) in Lovas. |