Sažetak (hrvatski) | U radu se prikazuje kakvoća mesa pilećih brojlera na domaćem tržištu. Istraživanje je provedeno na trupovima pilića koji su kupljeni u trgovačkim centrima od dva proizvođača, A (n=20) i B (n=20) s ciljem da se ustanovi prinos najvrjednijih dijelova u trupu (prsa, bataci sa zabacima) i tkiva u njima te pokazatelji fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava mesa: boja (CIE L*, a*, b*), pH vrijednost, električna provodljivost, gubitak mesnog soka, %, kalo kuhanja, % , WBSF (N), profil masnih kiselina u mesu prsa i zabataka te TBARS vrijednosti kao pokazatelji oksidacijskih procesa u mesu (svježe i čuvano 28 dana na -20°C). Prosječne težine trupova brojlera od proizvođača A i B bile su 1916 g i 2165 g (P<0,001). Trupovi brojlera proizvođača B imali su statistički značajno veća prsa, batake sa zabacima, krila i leđa (P<0,001). Utvrđeni su veći udjeli kože s masnim tkivom u trupovima brojlera proizvođača A te veći udjeli kostiju u trupovima brojlera proizvođača B (P<0,001). Od pokazatelja tehnološke kakvoće mesa ustanovljene su razlike u boji mesa zabataka (CIE b*, P=0,03). Vrijednosti pokazatelja pH, gubitka mesnog soka, električne provodljivosti, kala kuhanja i WBSF, nisu se razlikovale između mesa obje skupine brojlera (P>0,05). Utvrđeni su nepovoljni omjeri ∑n-6 PUFA/∑n-3 PUFA u mesu brojlera kod oba proizvođača. Statistički značajne razlike između proizvođača A i B utvrđene su za vrijednosti TBARS-a u uzorcima smrznutog mesa zabataka (P<0,05). Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da je pileće meso na domaćem tržištu dobre tehnološke kakvoće, no da bi proizvođači trebali adekvatnijom hranidbom poboljšati profil masnih kiselina u brojlerskom mesu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The paper presents the meat quality of chicken broilers on the local market. The research was conducted on broiler carcasses originating from two producers, A (n=20) and B (n=20) and bought in local shopping centers, with the aim of establishing the yield of the most valuable parts of the carcass (breasts, drumsticks with rumps) and their tissues, as well as indicators of physico-chemical properties of meat: meat colour (CIE L*, a*, b*), pH value, electrical conductivity, loss of meat juice, %, cooking loss, %, WBSF (N), fatty acid profile in breast and drumstick and TBARS values as an indicator of oxidation processes in meat (fresh and frozen for 28 days at -20°C). The average carcass weights originating from producers A and B were 1916 g and 2165 g (P<0.001). Broiler carcasses from producer B had statistically significantly larger breasts, thighs with drumsticks, wings and backs (P<0.001). A higher proportion of skin with fatty tissue was found in broiler carcasses from producer A and a higher proportion of bones in broiler carcasses from producer B (P<0.001). For the indicators of meat technological quality, differences were found in the colour of the thigh meat (CIE b*, P=0.03). The pH values, loss of meat juice, electrical conductivity, cooking loss and WBSF did not differ between the meat originating from both groups of broilers (P>0.05). Unfavorable ∑n-6 PUFA/∑n-3 PUFA ratios were determined in broiler meat from both producers. Higher proportions of skin with fatty tissue were found in the broiler carcasses from producer A and higher proportions of bones in broiler carcasses originating from producer B (P<0.001). For the indicators of meat technological quality, differences were found in the colour of the thigh meat (CIE b*, P=0.03). The pH values, loss of meat juice, electrical conductivity, cooking loss and WBSF did not differ between the meat originating from both groups of broilers (P>0.05). Unfavorable ∑n-6 PUFA/∑n-3 PUFA ratios were determined in broiler meat from both producers. Statistically significant differences between producers A and B were found for TBARS values in frozen thigh samples (P<0.05). The obtained results showed that broiler meat on the Croatian market is of good quality, but that producers could improve the quality of the meat regarding the fatty acid profile in meat. |