Sažetak | Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je bio usporediti 3 različite metode kartiranja korova u 5 različitih usjeva, ravnajući se prema : mogućnosti usporedbe podataka, preciznosti pojedine metode, potrebnom vremenu, te vrijednosti svake metode s obzirom na mogućnost obrade više indikatora. Metode koje su korištene su : Braun-Blanquet metoda (Br.-Bl.), metoda slučajnih kvdrata (Random Quadrat Method – RQ), te metoda vizualne procjene (Visual Estimation of Percentage – VE). Tijekom istraživanja utvrđeno je ukupno 55 korovnih vrsta, od toga su 24 vrste zabilježene u strnim žitaricama, a 40 korova je nađeno u okopavinskim usjevima. U svakom od usjeva (ozimoj pšenici, jarom ječmu, suncokretu, kukuruzu i šećernoj repi) primjenjene su sve 3 metode kartiranja, te su međusobno uspoređene. Pokus je postavljen 2013.godine a metode kartiranja po kulturama su dale sljedeće rezultate : ozimoj pšenici je tijekom istraživanja utvrđeno je ukupno 19 korovnih vrsta, Br.-Bl. metodom evidentirano je njih 16, RQ 15, a VE metodom 17. U jarom ječmu utvrđeno je ukupno 14 korovnih vrsta, Br.-Bl. metodom evidentirano je 13, RQ metodom 8, te VE metodom 14. U šećernoj repi utvrđeno je 20 korovnih vrsta, Br.-Bl. zabilježeno je svih 20, RQ metodom 15, te VE metodom također svi 20 korovnih vrsta. U suncokretu je zabilježene 26 korovnih vrsta, Br.-Bl. metodom je evidentirano svih 26, VE metodom 19, a kod RQ je izostala samo jedna korovna vrsta te je evidentirano njih 25. U kukuruzu je utvrđeno 17 korovnih vrsta, Br.-Bl. metodom, te VE metodom je eidentirano svih 17, dok je RQ metodom evidentirano 15 korovnih vrsta. Iz svega navedenog možemo zaključiti da su Br.-Bl. metoda, te metoda vizualne procjene (VE) mnogo preciznije od metode slučajnih kvadrata (RQ). |
Sažetak (engleski) | The main goal of this thesis work was to compare 3 different methods of mapping weeds in 5 different agricultural crops, acording to : possibility of data comparison, accuracy of individuals methods, required time, and the value of each method. 3 methods that are used in this thesis work are : Braun – Blanquet method ( Br.-Bl.), Random quadrat method (
RQ), and Visual estimation of percentage (VE). During the experiment 55 weed species are found, 24 species are identified in grain cereals and 40 in crops that were earthed - up . In each of the crops (winter wheat, spring barley, sunflower, corn and sugar beet) have been applied all 3 methods of mapping. The experiment was set in 2013. and the methods gave the following results : in winter wheat 19 weed species were found, using Br.Bl. methods 16 of them were identified, with RQ 15, and using VE method 17. In spring barley was found a total of 14 weed species, using the Br.-Bl. method we identified 13, with RQ method 8, and VE method we identified all 14. In sugar beet was determined 20 weed species, using Br.-Bl. and VE method all 20 weed species were identified, and using RQ method 15 weed species. In sunflower we recorded 26 weed species, using Br.-Bl. method we identified all 26, VE method 15, and with RQ method
25. In the corn we determined 17 weed species, using Br.-Bl. and VE method we identified all 17 of them, and using RQ method 15. From all the data in this work we can see that Br.-Bl. method and VE method are much more accurate then RQ method. |