Sažetak | Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi strukturu zajednice nematoda u tlu na tri različita uzorka tla pod djetelinom, krastavcima i paprikom, te ukupnu brojnost nematoda, broj rodova, trofičke grupe i indekse uznemirenja. Uzorkovanje je obavljeno u selu Gradište, pokraj Županje. Ukupna brojnost nematoda kretala se od 86 – 125, što ukazuje na malu brojnost. Broj rodova se kretao od 13 – 14, te je u uzorku tla pod krastavcima utvrđeno 14 rodova. Analizom trofičkih grupa utvrđena je najveća brojnost bakterivora u svim ispitivanim uzorcima, a kretala se od 33 - 55 %. Trofička grupa fungivora bila je zastupljena u svim uzorcima s oko 20 %, dok su omnivore bile dosta brojne, s 20-32 %. Mala brojnost fitoparazitnih nematoda utvrđena je u uzorku pod paprikom (5 %), dok se u ostalim uzorcima kretala od 13 - 24 %. Utvrđena je samo jedna jedinka trofičke grupe predatora u uzorku paprike, dok u ostalim uzorcima nisu utvrđeni predatori. Analizom indeksa uznemirenja utvrđene vrijednosti MI su od 2,34 – 2,68, što upućuje na prisutnost nematoda c – p grupe 2 – 3, koje ukazuju na stabilan agroekosustav, dok je PPI 2,83 – 3,0, a MI/PPI je najviši u uzorku tla pod krastavcima i iznosi 0,94. Ovim istraživanjem utvrđeno je da nije bilo značajnih razlika u strukturi zajednice nematoda u analiziranom tlu, jer su uzorci uzeti iz istog vrta, a rezultati ukazuju na stabilan agroekosustav i neuznemireno tlo. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of this study was to determine the community structure of nematodes in the soil in three different samples of soil under clover, cucumbers and peppers, by analyzing the total number of nematodes, the number of genera, trophic groups and disturbance indices. Sampling was carried out in the village of Gradiste, near Županje. The total number of nematodes per 100 g of soil ranged between 86 - 125 individuals. Number of genera ranged from 13 - 14, and in the soil sample under cucumbers found 14 genera. The analysis of trophic groups showed the largest number of bacterivorous nematodes in all the samples in a range of 33 - 55 %. Fungivorous nematodes were present in all samples with approximately 20 %, while omnivores were quite numerous, with 20-32 %. Low number of plant parasitic nematodes occurred in sample of paper, (5 %), while in clover and cucumber plant parasitic nematodes ranged from 13 – 24 %. Only one predator was found in the sample of peppers, while the other samples did not reveal any predators.Maturity index ranged from 2.34 to 2.68, indicating the presence of nematodes from c - p groups 2 - 3, while the Plant Parasitic Index ranged from 2.83 to 3.0, and MI / PPI is the highest in the soil sample under cucumber - 0.94. This study found that there were no significant differences in community structure of nematodes in the soil analyzed, because the samples were taken from the same garden, and the results indicate stable agro ecosystem and undisturbed soil. |