Sažetak | Tema ovoga rada jest svojstva drva. Drvo predstavlja dio stabla, grane ili korijena zaostalog kada se s njih oljušte vanjski mekani dijelovi – što čini koru. U tehničkom smislu, drvo čine okorana i debla, korijenje, grane različitih biljaka itd. Zbog lake dostupnosti i obrade s korištenjem drva započelo se još u pretpovijesti. Prva uporaba je bila izrada oružja, oruđa, pribora za jelo, te gradnja skloništa. Sve do početka 19. stoljeća drvo je bilo nezamjenjiv materijal za izgradnju plovila. Prvenstveno zbog svojstva plutanja na vodi, drvo je idealno za građenje brodova i brodica. Drvo se također koristilo za gradnju brodova zbog lake dostupnosti i lake ručne obrade, te oblikovanja uz pomoć alata. Osnovni element strukture drva čini stanica, a živa stanica sastoji se od membrane i sadržine (protoplazme), te raznih drugih organskih tvari. Drvo ima estetska svojstva kao što su boja, sjaj i finoća. Boja drva je prirodni ton boje mehanički obrađene površine prosušenog drva i ovisi o brojnim faktorima kao što su vrsta drva, stanište, način obrađivanja, sadržaj vode u drvu, kompresija i drugi. Od domaćih vrsta drva u brodogradnji se najčešće koriste brijest, bukva, čempres, grab, razne vrste hrasta, jasen, javor, jela, kesten, rogač i dr. Već dugi niz godina konstrukcijski elementi drvenog broda se nisu značajnije mijenjali. Vrlo važni konstrukcijski elementi su pramčana i krmena statva koje mogu biti sagrađene od punog drva ili u lamelnoj tehnici. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The theme of this paper is wood properties. Wood is the part of a tree, branch or root that is left behind when the outer soft parts are peeled away - which makes the bark. In technical terms, wood is made up of trunks and trunks, roots, branches of various plants, etc. Wood was avaliable and easy cultivable and because of that the wood was used back in prehistoric times. The first use was making weapons, tools, dinner service and construction of shelter. Until the early 19th century, wood was an indispensable material for the construction of vessels. Therefore, due to its floating property on the water, the wood is ideal for building ships and boats. Wood was also used for shipbuilding becouse of its easy accessibility and easy manual processing and tooling. The basic element of the structure of wood is the cell, and the living cell is composed of the membranes and its contents (protoplasm). Wood has aesthetic properties such as color, shine and fineness. Wood color is the natural color tone of a mechanically treated surface of dried wood and depends on a number of factors such as the type of wood, habitat, method of processing, water content of the wood, compression and others. The most common types of wood used in shipbuilding are elm, beech, cypress, hornbeam, various types of oak, ash, maple, fir, chestnut, carob, etc. For many years, the structural elements of a wooden ships have not changed significantly. Very important structural elements are bow and stern looms that can be built of solid wood or in lamella technolohy. |