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Analysis of empty container management
Pomorstvo, 36 (2022), 2; 305-317. https://doi.org/10.31217/p.36.2.14

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Blažina, A., Ivče, R., Mohović, Đ. i Mohović, R. (2022). Analysis of empty container management. Pomorstvo, 36. (2), 305-317. doi: 10.31217/p.36.2.14

Blažina, Antonio, et al. "Analysis of empty container management." Pomorstvo, vol. 36, br. 2, 2022, str. 305-317. https://doi.org/10.31217/p.36.2.14

Blažina, Antonio, Renato Ivče, Đani Mohović i Robert Mohović. "Analysis of empty container management." Pomorstvo 36, br. 2 (2022): 305-317. https://doi.org/10.31217/p.36.2.14

Blažina, A., et al. (2022) 'Analysis of empty container management', Pomorstvo, 36(2), str. 305-317. doi: 10.31217/p.36.2.14

Blažina A, Ivče R, Mohović Đ, Mohović R. Analysis of empty container management. Pomorstvo [Internet]. 2022. [pristupljeno 03.06.2024.];36(2):305-317. doi: 10.31217/p.36.2.14

A. Blažina, R. Ivče, Đ. Mohović i R. Mohović, "Analysis of empty container management", Pomorstvo, vol. 36, br. 2, str. 305-317, 2022. [Online]. Dostupno na: https://urn.nsk.hr/urn:nbn:hr:187:438976. [Citirano: 03.06.2024.]