Sažetak | Logistika danas predstavlja temelj za uspješno funkcioniranje svijeta na način kako funkcionira danas. Sve ono materijalno što je moguće vidjeti i posjedovati, prošlo je svoj logistički put koji je završio dolaskom u ruke korisnika/kupca. No, što se događa kada od te stvari više nema koristi, kada je se treba na neki način riješiti? Tada na jedan način pokrećemo suprotan logistički tok, onaj od korisnika nazad prema obradi i sirovini. Upravo to je ono čime se ovaj rad bavi, objašnjenjem i analizom takvog logističkog toka, povratne logistike. Povratna logistika, kako se može iz samog naziva zaključiti, je logistika povrata robe te iako zvuči jednostavno ona je daleko kompleksnija, zahtjevnija, a i skuplja od uobičajenog toka. S druge strane važno ju je razumjeti i nastojati u čim većoj mjeri implementirati u poslovne procese jer time se pridonosi samom poslovanju poslovnih subjekata te dolazi korak bliže održivosti, što je jedna od ciljeva Europske Unije. Na kraju rada analizira se poslovanje jedne tvrtke kojoj je temelj poslovanja primjena povratne logistike. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Today, logistics represents the basis for the successful functioning of the world in the way it functions today. All the material things that can be seen and owned have gone through their logistical journey, ending up in the hands of the user/customer. But what happens when that thing is no longer useful, when it is needed to, in some way, get rid of it? Then, in one way, we start the opposite logistics flow, the one from the user back to processing and raw materials. This is exactly what this work deals with, the explanation and analysis of such a logistics flow, reverse logistics. Reverse logistics, as can be concluded from the name itself, is the logistics of returning goods, and although it sounds simple, it is far more complex, more demanding, and more expensive than the usual flow. On the other hand, it is important to understand it and try to implement it as much as possible in business processes, because this contributes to the business operations of business entities and brings them one step closer to sustainability, which is one of the goals of the European Union. At the end of the paper, there is an analysis of the factory that has its whole business based on the application of reverse logistics. |