Sažetak | Oblići roda Anisakis , nametnici su koji primarno parazitiraju na morsk im sisavc ima. U životnom
ciklusu, međutim parazitiraju i čitavi niz manjih organizam a U svim ovim (među)domadarima
uzrokuju konstantni gubitak energije što utječe na njihovo ponašanje i fiziologiju, a intenzitet
ovisi o količini oblića i naravno, životnom stadiju (starosti) doma dara. Cilj ovog završnog rada je
proučiti i iznijeti svojstva oblića roda Anisakis njihovog izgleda, tj. morfologije, životnog
ciklusa, prisutnosti u području hrvatskog dijela Jadrana te utjecaja na ljude, ponajprije kroz
bolest anisakijazu koju uzrokuju ako dospiju do ljud i unosom zaražen e siro ve ili termički
nedovoljno obrađene hrane morskog po r ije k la poput primjerice nedovoljno kuhanih liganja,
sirovih fileta ribe ili sirovi h škampa )). Zabrinjavajuće je da se van znanstvenih krugova, ne zna
mnogo o problematici ovih oblića i ne poduzima se u svim zemljama dovoljno mjera opreza , a to
se posebice odnosi na zemlje gdje su poznata jela pravljena od sirove ribe ili škampa U ljudima
se ličinka ne može razviti do odraslog stadija koji proizvodi jajašca (tj. ne može završiti životni
ciklus) L judi nisu ciljano odredište ovog nametnika već slučajni domadar . Čak i ako se zanemari
bolest kao problem, jasno se vidi da oblić parazit ira u mnogim gospodarski važnim i tržišno
dostupnim ribama poput tune, oslića ili šaruna što čini problem u danas još važnijoj
gospodarskoj djelatnosti ribarstvu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Nematodes of the genus Anisakis are parasites that primarily invade marine mammals. In the life
cycle, however, they also parasitize a lot of different, smaller organisms. In all these hosts , they
cause a constant loss of energy, which affects the ir behavior and physiology, and the intensity
depends on the amount of nematodes and, of course, the life stage (age) of the hosts. The aim of
this b achelor thesi s is to study and present the characteristics of the species from the genus
Anisakis their appearance, i.e. morphology, life cycle, presence in the Croatian part of the
Adriatic sea and their impact on humans, primarily through the disease anisakiasis which they
cause if they reach humans ( through intake of infected, raw or insufficiently thermally processed
seafood such as, for example, undercooked squid, raw fish fillets or raw shrimp). It is worrying
that outside scientific circles, not much is known about the problem of these nematodes and in
many countries not enough precautions are taken . T his especially applies to countries with
famous dishes made from raw fish or shrimps . In humans, the larva cannot develop to the adult
egg producing stage (i.e. it cannot complete the life cycle) H umans are not the target destination
of this parasite, but an accidental host. Even if the disease is ignored as a problem, it is clearly
seen that the nematode parasitizes many economically i mportant and marketable fish such as
tuna, hake or sea bream, which creates a problem in today's even more important economic
activity fishery. |