Sažetak | Suvremeni gospodarski kapitalistički sustav obilježava slobodno poduzetništvo, privatno vlasništvo i demokracija. Poduzetništvo se u takvoj okolini neprestano mijenja, razvija u skladu s potrebama tržišta i paralelno s razvojem informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije. Rast i promjena poduzeća, neodvojive su pojave, a ako je rast poduzeća uspješan, poduzeće se mijenja nabolje. Takve promjene uključuju financijski rast, rast broja zaposlenika te promjenu organizacijske strukture, a sve se one odvijaju prema zadanim poslovnim planovima i u skladu s ciljevima poslovanja.
U cijelome životnome ciklusu poduzeća, faza rasta poduzeća najnaglašenija je faza razvoja poduzeća jer ona određuje buduća uspješna poduzeća ili ona koja će propasti. Kasni rast poduzeća dovodi do faze zrelosti poduzeća koja završava vrhuncem razvoja. Upravljajući rastom i razvojem poduzeća, poduzetnik se sreće s mnogim poteškoćama. Usporen rast poduzeća mogu uzrokovati nedostatak sredstava (uglavnom financijskih), neučinkovit marketing i/li menadžment, visoki troškovi proizvodnje i poslovanja, kao i mane u lancu opskrbe (nepouzdanost dobavljača, pitanje skladišta i sl.), a za rješenje tih problema potreban je snažan, motiviran i uspješan poduzetnik koji ima jasno određene ciljeve poduzeća. Poduzetnik, stoga odabire menadžere koji čine strateški menadžment poduzeća, a njihova je uloga odabir i provedba strategija rasta. Od mnogih strategija i metoda rasta, menadžment odabire odgovarajuće na temelju ciljeva poslovanja poduzeća te mogućnosti (financijskih, tržišnih i ljudskih) poduzeća. Strateški menadžment je zadužen za primjenu i kontrolu strategije rasta poduzeća jer odabir i oblikovanje vrhunske strategije ne vrijede ništa bez odgovarajuće primjene koja zahtijeva sustavno praćenje i eventualne prilagodbe i promjene tijekom cijeloga procesa.
Osnovna metoda istraživanja u ovome radu je analiza sekundarne literature, postojeće znanstvene i stručne literature iz područja poduzetništva. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The contemporary economic capitalism system is characterized by free enterprise, private property and democracy. In such an environment, entrepreneurship is constantly changing, developing in accordance with the needs of the market and in parallel with the development of information and communication technology. Growth and change of the company are inseparable phenomena, and if the growth of the company is successful, the company changes for the better. Such changes include financial growth, growth in the number of employees and changes in the organizational structure, all of which take place according to the given business plans and in accordance with business goals.
In the entire life cycle of a company, the phase of company growth is the most emphasized stage of company development because it determines future successful companies or those that will fail. The late growth of the company leads to the stage of maturity of the company, which ends with the peak of development. Managing the growth and development of the company, the entrepreneur faces many difficulties. Slow growth of companies can be caused by a lack of funds (mainly financial), ineffective marketing and/or management, high production and business costs, as well as flaws in the supply chain (unreliability of suppliers, warehouse issues, etc.), and the solution to these problems requires a strong , a motivated and successful entrepreneur who has clearly defined company goals. The entrepreneur therefore selects managers who make up the strategic management of the company, and their role is to select and implement growth strategies. From many growth strategies and methods, the management chooses the appropriate one based on the business goals of the company and the capabilities (financial, market and human) of the company. Strategic management is responsible for the application and control of the company's growth strategy, because the selection and design of a superior strategy are worthless without proper application, which requires systematic monitoring and possible adjustments and changes throughout the process.
The basic research method in this paper is the analysis of secondary literature, existing scientific and professional literature in the field of entrepreneurship. |