Sažetak | U ovom radu opisuje se žalba u općem upravnom postupku. Da bi se lakše razumjela žalba i njezin smisao uopće prvi dio rada posvećen je općenito upravnom postupku koji predstavlja skup pravnih pravila kojima je reguliran način djelovanja tijela državne uprave, drugih državnih tijela, tijela jedinica lokalne i područne (regionalne) samouprave i pravnih osoba koje imaju javne ovlasti kad ta tijela, primjenom materijalnopravnih propisa na konkretan društveni odnos, donose upravne akte kojima rješavaju o pravima, obvezama i pravnim interesima određenih subjekata. Također se govori o tome tko može biti stranka u samom postupku, ali i koja su to načela koja se, kao smjernice, putokazi, osnovna pravila, postulati za rad usmjeren određenom cilju, moraju poštivati tijekom cijelog postupka, a poseban je naglasak stavljen na pravo stranke na pravni lijek kao jedno od osnovnih načela, ali i ustavno pravo te temeljno ljudsko pravo.
U upravnom postupku odlučuje se o upravnoj stvari i to upravnim aktom koji se naziva rješenje. Stranci koja nije zadovoljna rješenjem koje je donijelo javnopravno tijelo pripada pravo na izjavljivanje žalbe kao redovnog pravnog lijeka, ali se stranka tog prava može odreći, isto kao što može i odustati od već izjavljene žalbe. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The paper describes the appeal in a general administrative procedure. To facilitate the understanding of the appeal and its meaning in general, the first part of the paper addresses the administrative procedure in general, as a set of legal rules governing the way of operation of state administration bodies, other state authorities, local and regional self-government units, as well as legal entities with public powers when these authorities, by applying substantive legal provisions to a specific social relationship, pass administrative acts deciding on the rights, obligations and legal interests of certain entities. It also identifies who can be a party in the procedure itself, but also the principles that, as guidelines, signposts, basic rules, postulates for work aimed at a specific goal, must be respected throughout the procedure, with a special emphasis on a party’s right to a legal remedy as one of the basic principles, but also a constitutional right and a fundamental human right.
In an administrative procedure, an administrative matter is decided by an administrative act called a decision. A party that is not satisfied with the decision issued by a public authority has the right to file an appeal as a regular legal remedy, but can also waive that right, just as it can withdraw an already filed appeal.
In addition to filing an appeal due to dissatisfaction with a decision made, the party has the right to file an appeal in the event that the public authority, for justified or unjustified reasons, has not resolved the administrative matter at all within the legally prescribed period (administrative silence).
The course of the appeal procedure and the powers of the first instance and second instance bodies in connection with the appeal, as well as the content of the appeal itself, are described according to the provisions of the General Administrative Procedure Act, with special emphasis on the parts that are not govern in detail in the Act, such as amendment of a second-instance body decision, i.e. whether reformatio in peius can occur or not. |