Sažetak | Ubojstvo predstavlja jedno od najtežih kaznenih djela koje čovjek može počiniti prema svojoj vrsti, te ujedno jedan od najstravičnijih delikata nasilja u kriminologiji, čija je posljedica uvijek smrt druge osobe. Ovaj rad pobliže obrađuje temu pojavnih oblika (fenomenologije) i uzroka (etiologije) ubojstva, te normativni okvir i inkriminaciju ubojstva u suvremenom kaznenopravnom zakonodavstvu Republike Hrvatske. U cilju boljeg razumijevanja kriminološke empirijske stvarnosti ubojstava, u radu se najprije definiraju glavna obilježja bića kaznenog djela ubojstva, teškog ubojstva i usmrćenja, određuje se distinkcija između dovršenih ubojstava i onih koja su ostala samo na pokušaju, te se pobliže govori o tome kako se počinitelji istih sankcioniraju. Budući da je ubojstvo moguće počiniti samo i isključivo s namjerom prouzročenja smrti drugog, opisuju se različite vrste namjere i način na koji sud zaključuje o istom. Za samu kvalifikaciju djela kao ubojstva i za kažnjavanje počinitelja, nije dovoljno samo da je počinitelj svojom radnjom namjerno prouzročio smrt druge osobe kao posljedicu, čime je ostvario biće kaznenog djela ubojstva iz čl.110. KZRH, već će biti nužno potrebno da je takva radnja protupravna i skrivljena, pa će se o tim elementima formalnog pojma kaznenog djela raspravljati u daljnjem dijelu rada. Osim slova zakona, u radu se pobliže odgovara na pitanja da li se, u kojim pojavnim oblicima, te na koji način (pokušana i dovršena) ubojstva pojavljuju u Republici Hrvatskoj i na Balkanu, koje su fenomenološke karakteristike samog incidenta, počinitelja i žrtve (smrtonosnog) nasilja, te koje su kazne najčešće izrečene počinitelju. Potaknuta općepoznatim stereotipima i predrasudama koje prate balkanske zemlje, kao prostor sui generis, koji je još duboko zaostao u prošlim ratnim događanjima i praksi krvne osvete, na kojem još uvijek žive „patrijarhalni, nasilni i divlji barbari koji piju šljivovicu i sređuju stvari na njihov način - oružjem i nasiljem, na temelju dostupnih statističkih podataka i rezultata najnovije „Balkan Homicide study“, istražila sam jesu li takvi stereotipi doista u skladu s kriminološkom empirijskom stvarnosti ovog dijela Europe, usput komparirajući stope ubojstava i stope ukupnog kriminala sa ostatkom Europe i svijetom. U radu se posebno bavim i pitanjima odnosa žrtve i počinitelja, te profila ubojice u RH i općenito na Balkanu, a dotičem se i rasprave o pojedinim čimbenicima koji najčešće djeluju kao faktori rizika i doprinose počinjenju takvog (smrtonosnog) nasilja. Iako je ubojstvom počinjeno stravično kazneno djelo koje „ostavlja tijelo iza sebe“ i gasi život drugog čovjeka zauvijek, ljudskoj je prirodi urođena znatiželja za odgovorom na pitanje zašto je tome tako, zašto čovjek postaje ubojica. U skladu s time, bavim se raznim endogenim, egzogenim i mješovitim etiološkim teorijama koje pokušavaju naći uzrok spomenutoj misteriji i fenomenu koji nas i dan danas ne prestaje intrigirati, iako apsolutan i jednoznačan odgovor na spomenuto pitanje još uvijek nije pronađen. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Homicide represents one of the most serious crimes that a person can commit to his species, and at the same time one of the most terrible crimes of violence in criminology, the consequence of which is always death of another person. This thesis deals in more detail with the topic of appearances (phenomenology) and causes (etiology) of murder, as well as the normative framework and incrimination of murder in the contemporary criminal law legislation of the Republic of Croatia. In order to better understand the criminological empirical reality of murders, thesis first defines the main characteristics of the criminal offense of murder, aggravated murder and manslaughter, determines the distinction between completed murders and those that remained only attempted, and discusses in more detail how the perpetrators are punished. Since it is possible to commit homicide only and exclusively with the intention of causing the death of another, different types of intentions are described, and also the way in which the court concludes about it. For the very qualification of the act as murder and punishing it’s perpetrator, it is not enough only that the perpetrator deliberately caused the death of another person as a result of his action, thereby realizing the essence of homicide from article 110. KZRH, but it will also be necessary that such an action is illegal and perpetrator found guilty, so these elements of the formal concept of a criminal offense will be discussed in the further part of a thesis. In addition to the letter of the law, a thesis provides detailed answers to the questions whether, in what forms, and in what way (attempted and completed) homicides occur in the Republic of Croatia and the Balkans, what are the phenomenological characteristics of the incident itself, the perpetrator and the victim of (lethal) violence, and what punishments are most often imposed on the perpetrators. Driven by the well-known stereotypes and prejudices that follow the Balkan countries, as a sui generis area, which is still deeply behind in past war events and the practice of blood revenge, where live "patriarchal, violent and wild barbarians who drink šljivovica and arrange things their way- with weapons and violence" based on the available statistical data and the results of the latest "Balkan Homicide study", I investigated whether such stereotypes are really in line with the criminological empirical reality of this part of Europe, along the way comparing homicide rates and total crime rates with the rest of Europe and the world. In this thesis, I deal specifically with issues of the relationship between the victim and the perpetrator, and the profile of the murderer in the Republic of Croatia and in general in the Balkans, and also on the discussion of certain factors that most often act as risk factors and contribute to the commission of such (lethal) violence. Although homicide is a terrible crime that “leaves a body behind” and extinguishes another person's life forever, human nature is innately curious about the answer to the question of why this is so, why a person becomes a murderer. Accordingly, I deal with various endogenous, exogenous and mixed etiological theories which are trying to find the cause of the mentioned mystery and phenomenon that continues to intrigue us to this day, even though an absolute and unequivocal answer to the mentioned question has not been found yet. |