Sažetak | Pravo na zdravlje ljudsko je pravo izričito priznato u međunarodnom pravu već gotovo osam
desetljeća. Iz stava Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije kao i iz iznesenih mišljenja mnogih
stručnjaka proizlazi da bez zdravlja ni ostala prava nemaju puno smisla. No, kao dio skupine
socijalnih i ekonomskih ljudskih prava, pravo na zdravlje dijeli njihovu sudbinu osporavanih i
zanemarivanih prava, osobito pri usporedbi sa skupinom građanskih i političkih ljudskih
prava. Iz tog je sraza različitog poimanja prava na zdravlje proizašao interes za temom i zato
je, ovaj rad, u svojoj ukupnosti, posvećen upravo tom ljudskom pravu.
Prva međunarodna uređenja zdravstvenih pitanja javljaju se u doba prije suvremene
međunarodne zajednice 20. stoljeća, a, 22. srpnja 1946. godine, usvajanjem ustava Svjetske
zdravstvene organizacije, prvi je put u izvorima međunarodnog prava definirano „zdravlje” i
izričito priznato kao ljudsko pravo. Vidljivijim predmetom rasprava u međunarodnoj stručnoj
i znanstvenoj zajednici pravo na zdravlje postalo je tek potkraj 1970.-ih godina, da bi 1990-ih
godina polako steklo istaknutije mjesto ponajviše zbog širenja AIDS-a i njegovih učinaka na
ljudska prava uopće. U tom se razdoblju pokreću prvi znanstveni časopisi posvećeni
isprepletenim pitanjima ljudskih prava i zdravlja, izdaju se prve monografije o pravu na
zdravlje, a priprema se i materijal za izradu općeg komentara o pravu na zdravlje, koji Odbor
za ekonomska, socijalna i kulturna prava objavljuje 2000. godine. 2002. godine uspostavlja se
i mjesto posebnog izvjestitelja UN-a za pravo na zdravlje, a počinje i doba sudskih postupaka,
najprije na nacionalnoj, a kasnije i na regionalnoj razini, u kojima upravo pravo na zdravlje
postaje središnji pojam rasprava. Izbijanjem globalne pandemije bolesti COVID-19, zdravlje
postaje središnja tema čitave ljudske zajednice.
Kroz tri tematske cjeline rada, i to kroz povijesni razvoj svih ljudskih prava, uz njihovu
filozofsko-teoretsku konceptualnu podlogu, njihov sadržaj prema izvorima međunarodnog
prava, te naznake problematike u provedbi, osobito u području preklapanja s ekonomskim
čimbenicima, potom kroz usporedbu dviju skupina ljudskih prava, ekonomskih, socijalnih i
kulturnih s građanskim i političkim, radi dokazivanja njihove istovrijednosti, dolazi se do
središnjeg dijela rada – prava na zdravlje. Osim prikaza neprekinutog i sigurnog razvoja tog,
ponajprije ugovornog, ljudskog prava, te utvrđenja njegova što točnijeg sadržaja i detaljne
analize tog sadržaja, u radu se iznose i vrijednosne podloge ljudskog zdravlja te uzročnoposljedične veze s njegovim pravnim statusom kao pojašnjenje za njegovo idejno i teoretsko
utemeljenje. Također se utvrđuju i opisuju uloge glavnih aktera, nudi se pregled i analizira
provedba prava na zdravlje pred međunarodnim sudovima te se promatraju učinci globalne
zdravstvene krize izazvane pandemijom bolesti COVID-19.
Cilj je ovog istraživanja obraniti pozitivno-pravnu prirodu prava na zdravlje, uz davanje
detaljnog opisa i pregleda razvoja i sadržaja tog prava, te nadopuniti idejne praznine njegova
teoretskog utemeljenja. Također je potrebno osuvremeniti uvid u stanje prava na zdravlje
uslijed globalnih ekonomskih utjecaja te uslijed posljednje velike zdravstvene krize. U rad se
ulazi s pretpostavkom da je pravo na zdravlje do sada već moglo steći karakter običajnog
prava, i time postati obvezujuće i za subjekte međunarodnog prava koji mu, kao samo
ugovornom, izmiču. Također se pokušava pokazati kako je za uspješnu provedbu prava na
zdravlje potrebno provesti promjene, kako u međunarodnom, tako i u nacionalnim
ekonomskih poretcima.
Istraživanje se izvodi pregledom pisanih znanstvenih radova, stručnih radova i izvješća
međunarodnih tijela i dužnosnika, međunarodnih ugovora i drugih međunarodnih
instrumenata, publikacija međunarodnih organizacija, nevladinih organizacija i ostalih aktera.
Također se upotrebljava kvalitativan i kvantitativan sadržaj različitih baza podataka, a dio
istraživanja počiva na pregledu i analizi sudske prakse međunarodnih sudova.
U radu se provodi, mahom, kvalitativno teorijsko istraživanje ljudskog prava na zdravlje u
međunarodnom pravu, s tek nekoliko kvantitativnih istraživanja određenih elemenata
sadržaja. Analizom sadržaja iznesenih u navedenim izvorima informacija, usporedbama,
studijom slučaja i statističkom metodom dolazi se do vlastitih postavki i zaključaka. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The right to health is a human right expressly acknowledged as such within international law
for nearly eight decades. According to the World Health Organisation, and in the opinion of
many experts in the field, all other rights are, without health, themselves meaningless.
However, forming as it does part of the group of social and economic human rights, the right
to health shares the fate of that group of being disputed and neglected, in particular when
compared to the group of civil and political human rights. This clash of different views of the
right to health is where the interest for the topic lies and for that reason this paper is dedicated
in its entirety to that human right alone.
The first steps towards international regulation of health matters occurred long before the
establishment of the modern international community of the 20th century, but it was not until
22 July 1946, with the adoption of the constitution of the World Health Organisation, that
'health' was defined for the first time ever in a source of international law and also
acknowledged as a human right. By the end of the 1970s, the right to health had become a
more prominent subject of discussion within the international scientific community,
continuing to reach a higher level of exposure during the 1990s, mostly due to the spread of
AIDS and its impact on human rights in general. That was also the time when the first
scientific journals on the intertwined topics of human rights and health started to appear, when
the first academic papers on the right to health appeared and when the preparation of material
for General Comment No 14 on the right to health got underway, published by the Committee
for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in 2000. In 2002, the position of UN special
rapporteur for human right to health was established, and the era of court proceedings began,
first at national, and then at regional level, where the rights to health became the central
content of hearings. With the outbreak of the global COVID-19 pandemic, health has become
a key issue for the whole of humanity.
By way of three topical units of the paper, covering, among other, the historical development
of all human rights, the philosophical-theoretical background to their concept, their content
according to sources of international law, and an indication of the problems in their
implementation, in particular with regard to overlaps with economic factors, then through the
comparison of the two groups of human rights, the economic, social and cultural on the one
hand and the civil and political on the other, for the sake of proving their equivalence, the
central focus of the paper is reached – the right to health. After an overview of the
uninterrupted and safe development of this, primarily contractual, human right, and after
determining and analysing its content in as detailed a manner as possible, the paper explains
why human health is valued so highly and the causal relationship of that value with its legal
status as an explanation for its conceptual and theoretical foundation. The paper also
determines and portrays the role of the main actors, offers an overview and an analysis of the
enforcement of the right to health before the international courts and examines the effects of
the global health crisis caused by the outbreak of COVID-19.
The goal of this research is to defend the positive legal nature of the right to health, while
offering a detailed description and overview of the development and content of that human
right. It is also necessary to modernise the insight into the position of the right to health with
regard to global economic impacts and the latest global health crisis. The paper is embarked
upon with the assumption that the right to health could have by now acquired the character of
customary law, thereby becoming binding for subjects that would otherwise fall outside its
scope of application if it were considered as a purely contractual right. It also intends to
demonstrate that changes to economic systems, both international and national, are required
for the successful enforcement of the right to health.
The research is carried out by way of a review of written science papers, professional papers
and reports of international bodies and officials, as well as of international treaties and other
international instruments, and publications of international organization and nongovernmental organizations and other actors. Qualitative and quantitative content of various
databases is also used, and part of the research is based on the review and analysis of the
judicial practice of international courts.
The paper mainly conducts qualitative theoretical research of the human right to health in
international law, with quantitative research of only a few elements of the content. By
analysing the content presented in the abovementioned sources of information, through
comparisons, case studies and statistical methods, own assumptions and conclusions are
reached. |