Sažetak | Naslov diplomskog rada je „Problemi tržišta rada i recentne ekonomske emigracije iz Hrvatske“. Rad je koncipiran u 5 glavnih cjelina. Na samom početku rada prvo je objašnjena terminologija i analiza tržišta rada. Fokus u ovom diplomskom radu stavljen je na problem nezaposlenosti, lošu efikasnosti tržišta rada i politike te kao ishod tome svemu nastao je još jedan problem, emigracije radne snage iz Hrvatske, posebno mladih stručnjaka – odljev mozgova. Hrvatsko tržište rada karakterizira niska stopa aktivnosti stanovništva, visoka stopa nezaposlenosti, naglašen problem dugotrajne nezaposlenosti i visoka strukturalna neusklađenost između ponude i potražnje. Izdvajanja za mjere politika zapošljavanja prosječno su 4 puta niža nego u EU. Kreiranje novih radnih mjesta još je vrlo ograničeno. Stope zaposlenosti stanovništva Republike Hrvatske su među najnižima u usporedbi sa zemljama Europske Unije. U radu su prikazane stope nezaposlenosti i zastrašujuće veliki brojevi stanovnika koji su napustili našu zemlju u proteklih par godina, u velikoj većini slučajeva, radi pronalaska radnog mjesta, sigurnosti i boljeg života. Također, jedna cjelina rada govori o „zastarjelom“ obrazovanju zato što na pojedinim razinama obrazovanja naglasak je dominantno stavljen na teorijska znanja, a ne na pripremu za tržište rada i stjecanje praktičnih znanja i vještina. S druge strane, ni poslodavci ne žele zaposliti osobe bez prakse i radnog iskustva, što je i razumljivo. Poslodavci u nekim gospodarskim sektorima imaju manjak ponude radne snage iz dva razloga, prvi je emigracija – puno radne snage je napustilo Hrvatsku, a drugi razlog je taj što stanovništvo nije educirano o potrebama tržišta rada i tako se obrazovalo za zvanje u kojem je veća potražnja nego ponuda posla. U radu su obrađeni problemi iseljavanja/emigracije s nadom da će se uskoro doći i do rješenja i da ćemo kroz dogledno vrijeme opravdati svoje članstvo u Europskoj Uniji i postati ugledna i uspješna zemlja koja voli i čuva svoje državljane. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The title of the graduate thesis is "Problems of the labor market and recent economic emigration from Croatia". The work is conceptualized into 5 major integers. At the beginning of work, the terminology and labor market analysis were first explained. The focus of this graduate thesis was on the problem of unemployment, poor labor market and policy efficiency, and as a result, there was another problem, labor migration from Croatia, especially young experts - "brain drain". The Croatian labor market is characterized by a low rate of population activity, a high unemployment rate, a pronounced problem of long-term unemployment and a high structural mismatch between supply and demand. Employment policy measures are on average four times lower than in the EU. Creating new jobs is still very limited. Employment rates of the population of the Republic of Croatia are among the lowest in comparison with the European Union countries. The paper presents unemployment rates and scariest large numbers of residents who have left our country in the past couple of years, in most cases, to find a job, security and a better life. Also, one whole work speaks of "outdated" education because it is conceived so that we have too much theoretical part and little practice so that those who finish the education are not fully prepared for the labor market. On the other hand, employers do not want to hire people without practice and work experience, which is understandable. Our education is not only poor in the practical part but also in the professional, by not educating its population about the current labor market needs, and there are again workers and employers in a bad position - employees are not educated for the required knowledge and thus remain long unemployed in home country, more specifically Croatia, and eventually be forced to go abroad where it is again question whether to do business in the profession or business that is not in the profession but is well paid and accept lower than they deserved. Employers, on the other hand, have labor supply shortages in some branches of labor for two reasons, the first is emigration - a lot of workforce has left Croatia, and the other reason is that the population is not educated about the labor market needs and thus educated for the profession in which higher demand than job offerings. All issues of emigration / migration are being addressed in this paper, hoping that soon there will be a solution and we will for a long time justify their membership in the European Union and become a respectable and successful country that loves and keeps its citizens. |