Sažetak | U ovom radu obraditi ću temu ugovora o gradnji broda u hrvatskom zakonodavstvu i u kratkim crtama ga pokušati usporediti s drugim zakonodavnim sustavima Europe i svijeta. Ugovor o gradnji broda definiran je u Pomorskom zakoniku kao ugovor kojim se brodograditelj obvezuje prema projektu i tehničkoj dokumentaciji izgraditi brod u određenom roku, a naručitelj broda je u obvezi brodograditelju za izgrađeni brod isplatiti određenu, ugovorenu cijenu. Svega jedanaest zakonskih članaka odnosi se na ugovor o gradnji broda i tek ih je nekoliko kogentne naravi. Stoga monografije i znanstveni članci kojima sam se koristila u velikom djelu obrađuju samo osnove ovog ugovornog odnosa, odnosno pravni okvir koji je određen Pomorskim zakonikom. Budući da je pretežiti dio odredbi dispozitivno, odnosno ostavljeno na volju strankama, kao glavni izvor mjerodavnog prava koristi se upravo konkretan ugovor o gradnji broda koji, u skladu s međunarodnim standardima sadrži sporazumno utvrđene obveze stranaka, dok se supsidijarnim izvorima smatraju dispozitivne odredbe Pomorskog zakonika i Zakona o obveznim odnosima.
U radu ću ukazati na važnost pisane forme kod sklapanja ugovora o gradnji broda i objasniti bitne sastojke ugovora - opis broda i njegovu ugovornu cijenu. Nadalje, obraditi ću temeljna prava i obveze naručitelja i brodograditelja kao subjekata ovog ugovornog odnosa. Ukazati ću i na važnost osiguranja rizika gubitka ili oštećenja broda u gradnji, koji je značajan ne samo za ugovorne strane nego i za davatelja kredita. Nadzor gradnje od strane klasifikacijskih društava provodi se kroz cijeli proces gradnje broda, te ću se osvrnuti na važnost nadziranja provođenja gradnje broda, kao i dužnost pribavljanja isprava i dokumentacije od važnosti za isporuku i upis broda u upisnik brodova.
Obzirom da je nerijetko riječ o izgradnji brodova velike vrijednosti, u postupku pregovaranja ugovora o gradnji broda i njihovu ishodu veliku ulogu igraju ekonomske prilike, ali i brodograđevni i tehnički standardi koji se moraju poštivati kako bi brod po dovršetku gradnje bio sposoban za plovidbu. Posao pravnika koji ugovaraju gradnju broda dijelom je olakšan brojnim formularnim klauzulama koje se u brodogradnji često koriste za ugovaranje same gradnje broda. Ugovor mora biti usuglašen s našim nacionalnim pomorskim zakonodavstvom, međunarodnim konvencijama i, naposljetku, odredbama klasifikacijskih društava. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In this paper I will deal with the topic of shipbuilding agreement in Croatian legislation and in short lines try to compare it with other European and world legislative systems. The shipbuilding contract is defined in the Maritime Code as an agreement by which a shipbuilder undertakes to construct a ship within a specified time, according to the project and technical documentation, and the shipowner is obliged to pay a specified, contracted price to the shipbuilder for the constructed ship. Only eleven legal articles refer to shipbuilding contracts and there are only a few cogent ones. Therefore, the monographs and articles I have used in a large part deal only with the basis of this contractual relationship, that is, the legal framework defined by the Maritime Code. Since the predominant part of the provisions is dispositive or left to the will of the parties, as a major source of the applicable law, a concrete shipbuilding contract is in use, which, in accordance with international standards, contains the parties' obligations agreed upon, while subsidiary sources are considered the enacting provisions of the Maritime Code Of the Obligations Act.
In this paper I will point out the importance of the written form when concluding a shipbuilding contract and explain the essential components of the contract - a description of the ship and its contract price. Furthermore, I will process the fundamental rights and obligations of the client and shipbuilder as subjects of this contractual relationship. I will also point to the importance of securing the risk of loss or damage to the ship, which is significant not only for the counterparty but also for the loan provider. Construction supervision by the classification societies is carried out through the entire shipbuilding process, and I will consider the importance of monitoring the construction of the ship, as well as the duty to obtain documents and documentation of importance for the delivery and entry of the vessel into the ship's register.
Given that construction of ships of great value is often involved, the negotiation process of the shipbuilding contract and their outcome plays a major role in economic conditions, but also shipbuilding and technical standards that must be respected in order for the ship to be able to sail after completion of the construction. The job of a lawyer contracting shipbuilding is partly facilitated by numerous form clauses that shipbuilding is often used to contract shipbuilding. The contract must be in accordance with our national maritime legislation, international conventions and, ultimately, the provisions of the classification societies. |