Sažetak | Ovaj rad istražuje odnos pravila međunarodnih federacija, nacionalnih saveza i
nacionalnog prava u kontekstu borilačkih sportova, s posebnim fokusom na boks i
m ješovite borilačke vještine (MMA). Razmatraju se autonomija sporta, odnos između
nacionalnih sportskih sa veza, Hrvatskog olimpijskog odbora i međunarod nih sportskih
organizacija, te razlike u pravilima međunarodnih federacija na razini boksa i MMA.
Poseban naglasak stavlja se na nedostatak krovne organizacije za borbu protiv dopinga, te
specifičnost borbe protiv dopinga u borilačkim sportovima. Istražuje se odgovornost
različitih aktera u borilačkim sportovima, uključujući borce, suce, organizatore i liječn ike,
te sankcije za kršenje sportskih pravila, uključujući izvanugovornu odgovornost za štetu i
kaznenu odgovornos t. U posljednjem dijelu rada , istražuje se rješavanje sporova koji
nastaju kao posljedica kršenja sportskih pravila, uključujući žalbe unutar međunarodnih
federacija, mirno rješavanje sporova i Međunarodni sportski arbitražni sud. Zaključno, rad
naglašava važnost jasnih i konzistentn ih pravila u borilačkim sportovima, te potrebu za
učinkovitim mehanizmima za rješavanje sporova i osiguranje odgov ornosti sudionika. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The subject of this papers research is the correlation between the rules of international
federations, national associations, and national law in th e contex t of combat sports, with a
particular focus on boxing and mixed martial arts (MMA). The autonomy of sports, the
correlation bet ween national sports associations, the Croatian Olympic Committee, and
international sports organizations, as well as the differe nces in the rules of boxing and
MMA international federations are examined. Special emphasis is placed on the lack of an
parent organization for combating doping, and the specificity of anti doping efforts in
combat sports. The responsibility of various paparticipantsrticipants in combat sports, including in combat sports, including athletes, referees, athletes, referees, promotorspromotors, and , and doctorsdoctors, as well as the sanctions for violating sport, as well as the sanctions for violating sports s rules, including extrarules, including extra--contractual liability for damages and criminal liability, are explored. contractual liability for damages and criminal liability, are explored. In the final part of theIn the final part of the study, study, the resolution of disputes arising as a result of violating the resolution of disputes arising as a result of violating sports rules is investigated, including appeals within internationasports rules is investigated, including appeals within international federations,l federations, mediationmediation, , and the and the Court of Sports ArbitrationCourt of Sports Arbitration. In conclusion, the study highlights the importance of . In conclusion, the study highlights the importance of cleaclear and cor and consistent rules in combat sports, and the need for effective mechanisms for nsistent rules in combat sports, and the need for effective mechanisms for resolving disputes and ensuring the accountability oresolving disputes and ensuring the accountability of participants. |