Sažetak | Šteta definirana kao umanjenje nečije imovine, ili sprječavanje njenog povećanja, tj. izmakla korist i povreda prava osobnosti često vodi do odgovornost za štetu kao obvezno-pravnog odnosa. Zaštita prava subjekata u svakom obveznom odnosu ima visoku zaštitu u suvremenim i demokratskim državama. U svim državama ovaj termin posebno se odražava kroz brojne propise, u Republici Hrvatskoj to je Zakon o obveznim odnosima. Subjekti ovog odnosa su na jednoj strani štetnik, odnosno osoba koja je počinila štetu i oštećenik koji naknadu štete zahtjeva. Ovaj oblik odgovornosti ima i određene pretpostavke kao što je sama štetna radnja štetnika, šteta, uzročna veza, subjekti, i na posljetku protupravnost štetne radnje. Odgovornost za štetu kao pojam nije jedinstven, već se dijeli na druge oblike odgovornosti. To su među ostalim, subjektivna i objektivna odgovornost, deliktna odgovornost, vlastita odgovornost i odgovornost za drugoga, podijeljena odgovornost, odgovornost više osoba i na koncu solidarna odgovornost. Temeljna podjela štete, na imovinsku i neimovinsku ima i načine svojih popravljanja. U prvom redu tu je naknada štete u obliku novčanog ekvivalenta, zatim naturalna restitucija odnosno vraćanje u ono stanje kakvo je bilo prije štete te satisfakcija kao jedna vrsta osobnog zadovoljenja posebice karakteristična za neimovinske štete. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Damage defined as the diminution of someone's property, or the prevention of its increase, ie the lost benefit and violation of the rights of the individual often leads to liability for damage as an obligatory legal relationship. The protection of the rights of subjects in any obligatory relationship has a high level of protection in modern and democratic states. In all countries, this term is especially reflected in a number of regulations, in the Republic of Croatia it is the law on obligatory relations. The subjects of this relationship are, on the one hand, the pest, ie the person who committed the damage and the injured party who claims it. This form of liability also has certain assumptions such as the harmful action of the pest itself, the damage, the causal link, the subjects, and ultimately the illegality of the harmful action. Liability for damage as a concept is not unique, but is divided into other forms of liability. These are, among others, subjective and objective responsibility, tortious responsibility, one's own responsibility and responsibility for others, shared responsibility, the responsibility of several persons and, finally, joint and several liability. The basic division of damage into property and non-property also has ways of repairing it. In the first place, there is compensation in the form of monetary equivalent, then natural restitution, ie return to the state it was in before the damage, and satisfaction as a type of personal satisfaction, especially characteristic of non-property damages. |