Sažetak | Glikemijski indeks (GI) pokazatelj je koliko određena količina i vrsta ugljikohidrata može utjecati na brzinu promjene koncentracije glukoze (GUK) u krvi. Provedeno je kliničko istraživanje s ciljem utvrđivanja GI novo razvijenih kukuruznih snack proizvoda na bazi dodatka sušenog tropa jabuke, prema metodi ISO 26 642:2010, te je utvrđen njihov komercijalni potencijal. Uzorak s 10 % tropa jabuke imao je najvišu prihvatljivost od strane ispitanika (3,10 ± 1,45), najniži subjektivni osjećaj sitosti (53,9 ± 23,3), te najmanji odziv GUK-a u 120-oj minuti mjerenja, odnosno najmanju površinu ispod krivulje GUK-a (iAUC) što je rezultiralo najmanjim GI (89,0 ± 31,1). Uzorak s dodatkom 16 % tropa jabuke imao je najnižu senzorsku prihvatljivost (3,40 ± 1,07) no najviši subjektivni osjećaj sitosti kroz 120 minuta (57,0 ± 57,6) i najveću iAUC što je rezultiralo najvećim GI (122,4 ± 51,0) u odnosu na druga dva test uzorka s dodatkom tropa jabuke. Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju potencijal kukuruznog snack proizvoda s dodatkom 10 % tropa jabuke za komercijalizaciju, uz višestruku korist kako potrošača (zbog funkcionalnih karakteristika ovog proizvoda) tako i proizvođača (ne postavljaju se posebni zahtjevi za proces ekstruzije, racionaliziraju se troškovi tehnološkog procesa proizvodnje i povećava financijska dobit). |
Sažetak (engleski) | The glycemic index (GI) is an indicator of how much a certain amount and types of carbohydrates can influence the change of blood glucose (GUK). A controlled clinical trial was conducted to determine the GI of newly developed corn snack products with the addition of dried apple pomace in different amounts, according to the method ISO 26 642:2010. The aim was also to determine the commercial potential of the newly developed products. The sample with 10% apple pomace had the highest sensory acceptability (3.10 ± 1.45), the lowest subjective feeling of satiety (53.9 ± 23.3) and the lowest GUK response throughout 120 minutes, i.e. the lowest area under blood glucose curve (iAUC) which resulted with the lowest GI (89.0 ± 31.1). The sample with 16% apple pomace had the lowest sensory acceptability (3.40 ± 1.07), but the highest subjective feeling of satiety trough 120 minutes (57.0 ± 57.6) and the highest iAUC which resulted in the highest GI (122.4 ± 51.0) if compared with the other two test samples with the addition of apple pomace. The results confirm the potential of corn snack product with 10% apple pomace for commercialization, with multiple benefits for consumers (due to its functional features) and for producers (does not impose additional demands for extrusion process, rationalization of costs of food technology and increases profit). |