Sažetak | Bolesti štitnjače svrstavaju se među najčešće bolesti današnjice kojima su najviše podložne žene. Rak štitnjače je najčešće oboljenje štitne žlijezde. Za održavanje normalne funkcije štitne žlijezde te sintezu njezinih hormona, tiroksina i trijodtironina, potreban je jod. Uz jod veliku ulogu u normalnoj funkciji štitne žlijezde imaju i selen, cink, željezo te vitamini B i D. Ukoliko dođe do deficita nekog od nutrijenata, a posebno joda, dolazi do neravnoteže u funkciji štitne žlijezde te smanjenom sintezom hormona štitnjače. Uslijed toga se javljaju bolesti poput gušavosti ili hipotireoze. U slučaju da u organizmu dođe do povišenih koncentracija jod to za posljedicu može imati razvitak hipertireoze. Dvije česte autoimune bolesti štitnjače su Hashimotov sindorm te Gravesova bolest, koje se često javljaju zajedno s drugim autoimunim bolestima poput dijabetesa, vitiliga, celijakija te multipla skleroza. Bolesti štitnjače zahtjevaju određenu terapiju lijekovima, koja se uzima cijeli život. Prehrana ne može izliječiti bolesti štitnjače, ali može pozitivno utjecati na njih te umanjiti simptome bolesti. Potrebno je biti oprezan s hranom jer iako postoji ona hrana koja pozitivno djeluje na funkciju štitnjače, postoji i ona koja tu funkciju narušava. Tvari poput goitrogena, glutena i vlakana mogu spriječiti apsorpciju joda te dovesti od smanjenja sinteze hormona štitnjače, no ukoliko u organizmu ne postoji deficit joda te tvari neće našteti organizmu niti će dovesti do narušavanja funkcije štitnjače. Postoje različite vrste prehrana poput mediteranske, vegetarijanske i veganske, paleo i keto prehrane. Svaka od njih ima neke pozitivne učinke na funkciju štitnjače, kao i cijelog organizma, no treba biti oprezan jer striktno pridržavanje bilo koje od dijeta može narušiti ravnotežu nekih nutrijenata u organizmu. Kako bismo održali zdravlje i ravnotežu cijelog organizma potrebno je imati izbalansiranu prehranu kojom se unose svi potrebni nutrijenti te bavljenje tjelesnom aktivnosti, boravak na zraku i izbjegavanje stresa su ključ usklađenog i zdravog organizma. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Thyroid diseases are among the most common diseases today, to which women are most susceptible. Thyroid cancer is the most common disease of the thyroid gland. Iodine is needed to maintain the normal function of the thyroid gland and the synthesis of its hormones, thyroxine and triiodothyronine. In addition to iodine, selenium, zinc, iron, vitamin B and D also play a major role in the normal function of the thyroid gland. If there is a deficit of any of the nutrients, especially iodine, there is an imbalance in the function of the thyroid gland and a reduced synthesis of thyroid hormones. As a result, diseases such as goiter or hypothyroidism occur. In the event that there is an increased concentration of iodine in the body, this may result in the development of hyperthyroidism. Two common autoimmune thyroid diseases are Hashimoto's syndrome and Graves' disease, which often occur together with other autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, vitiligo, celiac disease and multiple sclerosis. Thyroid diseases require certain drug therapy, which is taken throughout life. Nutrition cannot cure thyroid diseases, but it can have a positive effect on them and reduce the symptoms of the disease. It is necessary to be careful with food because although there are foods that have a positive effect on thyroid function, there are also foods that impair this function. Substances such as goitrogens, gluten and fiber can prevent the absorption of iodine and lead to a decrease in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, but if there is no iodine deficit in the body, these substances will not harm the body or lead to thyroid function impairment. There are different types of diets such as Mediterranean, vegetarian and vegan, paleo and keto diets. Each of them has some positive effects on the function of the thyroid gland, as well as on the whole organism, but one should be careful because strict adherence to any of the diets can disturb the balance of some nutrients in the organism. In order to maintain the health and balance of the entire organism, it is necessary to have a balanced diet that provides all the necessary nutrients, and engaging in physical activity, being outdoors and avoiding stress are the keys to a balanced and healthy organism. |