Sažetak | Primjena kontrolirane atmosfere u procesima hlađenja namirnica jedna je od najvažnijih
stavki u prehrambenoj industriji koja se počela razvijati već u ranim godinama 20. stoljeća.
Osim toga, kontrolirana atmosfera je jedna od najpoznatijih ako ne i najpoznatija metoda
konzerviranja namirnica. Najčešće se pomoću kontrolirane atmosfere konzerviraju namirnice
poput voća i povrća, ali nisu strane i namirnice poput mesnih proizvoda, mliječnih proizvoda,
ribe. Sastav atmosfere unutar komora za kontroliranu atmosferu u kojima se čuva voće i
povrće, u odnosu na zrak, obično ima smanjeni udio kisika (s 21% na 3-4%) te povećani udio
ugljikovog dioksida (s 0,03% na 2-4%) i dušika (sa 78% na 92-95%). Postoje više vrsta
tehnologija kontrolirane atmosfere ; kontrolirana ventilacija, konvencionalna kontrolirana
atmosfera, kontrolirana atmosfera sa niskim sadržajem kisika (LO) i ultraniskim sadržajem
kisika (ULO), dinamička atmosfera, mikro kontrolirana atmosfera, modificirana atmosfera,
nistkotlačna atmosfera i umjetno dozrijevanje. Sve te vrste kontroliranih atmosfera se
razlikuju u sastavu atmosfere, koji naravno ovisi o proizvodu koji se skladišti jer on svojim
svojstvima diktira određeni sadržaj kisika, ugljičnog dioksida, dušika. Takva atmosfera,
izmijenjenog sastava, se za vrijeme čuvanja namirnica kontinuirano provjerava i održava
unutar zadanih granica. U CA komori, kvaliteta proizvoda se isključivo promatra mjerenjem
procesnih stanja plinova i temperature te se mjerenje kisika, ugljičnog dioksida, temperature
ali i etilena i vlage mjeri pomoću točno predviđenih uređaja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Application of controlled atmosphere in the process of food cooling is one of the most important items in the food industry, which began to develop in the early years of the 20th century. In addition, the controlled atmosphere is one of the most if not the most popular methods of preserving food. Most often usage of controlled atmosphere is related to foods such as fruits and vegetables but also meat products, milk products, and fish. The
composition of the atmosphere within the CA (controlled atmosphere) chambers in which are stored fruits and vegetables, in relation to air, usually is having a reduced oxygen content (from 21% to 3-4%) and an increased proportion of carbon dioxide (from 0.03% to 2-4%) and nitrogen (from 78% to 92-95%). There are many types of controlled atmosphere
technnology; controlled ventilation, conventional controlled atmosphere, controlled atmosphere of low oxygen content (LO) and ultra-low oxygen content (ULO), dynamic atmosphere, modified atmosphere, low pressure atmosphere, artificial ripening. All these types of controlled atmosphere differ in the composition of the atmosphere, which of course depends on the product that is stored beaucase the product with his properties defines
specific content of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen. During storage of foods that kind of atmosphere with altered composition of air is continuously checked and maintained within defined limits. Qualiti of product in CA chambers is only observed by measurement of gases
and temperature but also the oxygen, carbon dioxide, ethylene and humidity are measured accurately by specified devices. |