Sažetak | Tema ovog diplomskog rada je konstruiranje teretnog dizala na osnovi ulaznih parametara.
Teretno dizalo konstruirano putem ovog rada je užetno teretno dizalo, nosivosti 2500 kg, visine
podizanja 20 m, te brzine kretanja dizala od 0,75 m/s.
Kao uvod u tematiku diplomskog rada započeto je s razvojem transportnih sustava i njihovom
podjelom. Zatim je opisan transportni sustav za vertikalni transport, odnosno dizalo, te se
detaljnije obrađuje tema diplomskog, a to je teretno dizalo. Nakon toga razrađuju se osnovne
komponente užetnog teretnog dizala. Nakon teoretskog dijela o dizalu, izrađuje se proračun
teretnog dizala na osnovu zadanih ulaznih parametara. Prilikom izrade proračuna usvojena je
veća brzina kretanja kabine dizala, kako bi se zadovoljio prema uvjet statičke nosivosti dizala, te
kao rezultat usvajanja veće brzine kretanja kabine, daljnji izrađeni proračun bit će za dizalo koje
je konstrukcijski bolje od dizala što se zahtijevano zadatkom. Isto tako, u sklopu proračuna
odabiru se komponente dizala kako bi se osigurao miran i siguran rad teretnog dizala. Neke
komponente su odabrane iz kataloga proizvođača, dok komponente kao što su užnica, vrata
dizala i polužje za aktivaciju, izrađuju se po narudžbi s potrebnim dimenzijama. Spajanjem
prethodno odabranih komponenata dizala izrađuje se 3D model teretnog dizala, te na osnovu
izrađenog 3D modela izrađuje se potrebna tehnička dokumentacija. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The topic of this thesis is the construction of a freight elevator based on input parameters.
The freight elevator constructed by this work is a traction freight elevator, with a load capacity of
2500 kg, a lifting height of 20 m, and an elevator speed of 0,75 m/s.
As an introduction to the topic of the thesis, it is started with the development of transport
systems and their division. Then, the transport system for vertical transport, ie the elevator, is
described, and the topic of the this thesis, which is a freight elevator, is described in more detail.
Afterwards, the basic components of the traction freight elevator are described. After the
theoretical part about the elevator, the calculation of the freight elevator is made on the basis of
the given input parameters. During the calculation, a higher speed of the elevator car was
adopted, in order to meet the static load capacity of the elevator, and as a result of adopting a
higher speed of the car, further calculation will be for an elevator that is structurally better than
the elevator required by the task. Also, as part of calculation chapter, elevator components are
selected to ensure the smooth and safe operation of the freight elevator. Some components are
selected from the manufacturer's catalog, while components such as the rope, elevator door and
activation lever are made to order with the required dimensions. By connecting the previously
selected elevator components, a 3D model of the freight elevator is created, and based on the
created 3D model, the necessary technical documentation is prepared. |