Sažetak | Moderna je industrija u današnje vrijeme nezamisliva bez CNC strojeva (CNC – Computer Numerical Control). Primjena CNC strojeva je široka, a neka od područja primjene su: metalna industrija, drvna industrija, brodska industrija, automobilska industrija, industrija namještaja itd. Iz navedenih područja primjene može se zaključiti da CNC strojevi imaju velike mogućnosti obrade koje se koriste u različite svrhe.
Rad na CNC strojevima zahtjeva poznavanje tehničke dokumentacije (npr. razumijevanje tehničkih crteža, standarda, tolerancija), tehnološke dokumentacije i načina rada. Postoji više načina programiranja CNC strojava: ISO programiranje (G-kodom), dijalog programiranje (programiranje putem simbola ili crteža) i CAM programiranje (3D programiranje kod kojeg se kompleksni crtež ili model pretvara u strojni kod pomoću specijalnog software-a).
Za početak, će biti opisana povijest CNC strojeva, njihov razvoj u Republici Hrvatskoj te osnove programiranja CNC strojeva. Zatim će biti opisane konstrukcijske značajke CNC strojeva s pregledom koordinatnih sustava. Nakon toga slijedi opis edukacijske tokarilice EMCO Turn 105 sa prikazom osnovnih karakteristika stroja, mogućnošću automatizacije, tehničkih specifikacija i načina rada tokarilice. Također će biti opisana upravljačka jedinica Sinumerik 840D sa pregledom radnih područja, potprograma, ciklusa i detalja upravljačke jedinice.
U zadnjem poglavlju oblikovan je program za CNC tokarilicu u WinNC programu za prethodno oblikovani izradak u CAD sustavu. Tehnološki proces detaljno je opisan s cjelovitom dokumentacijom te je dan prikaz obrade u 3D simulaciji od početnog do konačnog oblika. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Nowadays, modern industry cannot be discussed without CNC machines (CNC – Computer Numerical Control). The use of CNC machines is extensive, and some of the areas of application are: metal industry, wood industry, shipping industry, automotive industry, furniture industry etc. The areas above mentioned lead us to the conclusion that the CNC machines have large processing capabilities that are used for different purposes.
In order to work on CNC machines, one has to be familiar with the technical documentation (eg. Understand the tehnical drawings, standards, tolerances), the tehnological documentation and the operating modes. The CNC machines can be programmed differently: first, there is ISO programming (the G code), then there is Dialog programming (programming via symbols or drawings), and, finally, the CAM programming (a 3D programming where the complex drawing or model is converted into a machine code using a special software).
First, the thesis will give an account of the history of CNC machines and their development in the Republic of Croatia, as well as the basics of CNC programming CNC. Furthermore, the constructional features of CNC machines will be given, along with the review of the coordinate systems. Moreover, a description of an educational lathe EMCO Turn 105 follows. It also gives an insight into the basic characteristics of the machine, the possibility of its automation, its tehnical specifications and its operating mode. In addition, a control unit Sinumerik 840D will be presented, as well as a performance overview, and an overview of subprograms, cycles and detalis of the unit.
The last chapter offers a program for a CNC lathe, made in WinNC for the previously designed work in the CAD system. The tehnological process is described in detail with a complete documentation and an overview of the processing done in 3D simulation, from the inital idea to the final product. |