Sažetak | Pacijenti često dolaze stomatologu zbog estetskih i funkcijskih problema koji nastaju zbog nedostatka zubi. Mogući uzroci gubitka zubi su različiti - destrukcija zubi karijesom, parodontopatije, kongenitalni nedostatka zubi te različite traume. Kod ortodontskih pacijenata najčešće se radi o kongenitalnom nedostatku maksilarnih lateralnih sjekutića, agenezi mandibularnih drugih premolara ili avulziji maksilarne fronte. Svrha ovog rada je prikazati različite strategije zbrinjavanja nedostatka zubi koje uključuju ortodontsko zatvaranje prostora, otvaranje prostora za implantat i transplantat prirodnog zuba, s naglaskom na kongenitalni nedostatak maksilarnih lateralnih sjekutića. Idealni tretman podrazumijeva najkonzervativniju opciju koja zadovoljava estetske i funkcijske potrebe pojedinca. Odabir prikladne terapije ovisi o analizi i procijeni različitih faktora koji uključuju postojanje i tip malokluzije, veličinu potrebnog prostora, odnos veličine zubi, profil, oblik i boju očnjaka, visinu osmijeha te dob pacijenta. Svaka od spomenutih strategija ima svoje prednosti i mane, indikacije i kontraindikacije te ograničenja pa je u dugoročnom kontekstu potrebno izabrati adekvatan kompromis. Za postizanje idealnog krajnjeg rezultata ključan je interdisciplinarni pristup i timski rad. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Patients often ask for dentist's intervention because of aesthetic and functional problems that occur due to the missing teeth. Possible causes for losing teeth can vary – destruction of teeth through caries, parodontopathy, congenitally missing teeth and different types of trauma. With orthodontic patients, the cause is usually congenital lack of maxillary lateral incisors, agenesis of mandibular second premolars or avulsion of maxillary front. The purpose of this paper is to show different strategies of taking care of missing teeth, which includes orthodontic space closing, space opening for the implant and transplant of natural teeth, with the emphasis on the congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors. The ideal treatment implies the most conservative option which complies with aesthetic and functional needs of an individual. Choosing of the adequate therapy depends on the analysis and evaluation of different factors, that include presence and type of malocclusion, size of the needed space, proportions of teeth, profile, form and color of canine teeth, height of the smile and the age of a patient. Each of the mentioned strategies has its advantages and disadvantages, indications and contraindications, as well as its limitations, so it is necessary to choose the adequate compromise in the long run. For reaching the ideal eventual result, the key is an interdisciplinary approach and a team work. |