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Applications of low level laser therapy
U: A textbook of advanced oral and maxillofacial surgery / Motamedi, Mohammad Hosein Kalantar (ur.). Rijeka: IntechOpen, 2013. str. 327-339.

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Vučićević Boras, V., Vidović Juras, D., Andabak Rogulj, A., Gabrić Pandurić, D., Verzak, Ž. i Brailo, V. (2013). Applications of low level laser therapy. U M. H. K. Motamedi, (Ur.), A textbook of advanced oral and maxillofacial surgery (str. 327-339). Rijeka: IntechOpen. doi: 10.5772/52678

Vučićević Boras, Vanja, et al. "Applications of low level laser therapy." A textbook of advanced oral and maxillofacial surgery, Ur. Mohammad Hosein Kalantar Motamedi, IntechOpen, 2013, str. 327-339.

Vučićević Boras, Vanja, Danica Vidović Juras, Ana Andabak Rogulj, Dragana Gabrić Pandurić, Željko Verzak i Vlaho Brailo. "Applications of low level laser therapy." U A textbook of advanced oral and maxillofacial surgery, ur. Mohammad Hosein Kalantar Motamedi, 327-339. Rijeka: IntechOpen, 2013.

Vučićević Boras, V., et al. (2013) 'Applications of low level laser therapy' u Motamedi, M. H. K. (ur.) A textbook of advanced oral and maxillofacial surgery Rijeka: IntechOpen, str. 327-339. Preuzeto s: (Datum pristupa: 02.10.2024.)

Vučićević Boras V, Vidović Juras D, Andabak Rogulj A, Gabrić Pandurić D, Verzak Ž, Brailo V. Applications of low level laser therapy. U: M. H. K. Motamedi, ur. A textbook of advanced oral and maxillofacial surgery. Rijeka: IntechOpen; 2013. Str. 327-339. [pristupljeno 02.10.2024.] Dostupno na:

V. Vučićević Boras, D. Vidović Juras, A. Andabak Rogulj, D. Gabrić Pandurić, Ž. Verzak i V. Brailo, "Applications of low level laser therapy", A textbook of advanced oral and maxillofacial surgery, M. H. K. Motamedi, Ur. Rijeka: IntechOpen, 2013, str. 327-339. [Online] Dostupno na: