Sažetak | Ortodoncija je grana stomatologije koja u svom radu koristi ortodontske naprave koje dijelimo na fiksne i mobilne. Fiksne ortodontske naprave su svoj početak doživjele u doba Anglea kojeg i smatramo ocem moderne ortodoncije, no revolucija u ortodontskoj terapiji je nastala radom Andrewsa i uvođenjem tehnike ravnoga luka. Glavno obilježje tehnike ravnoga luka je unošenje trostruke informacije o položaju zuba u bravicu čime se smanjuje potreba za savijanjem luka te ujedno i vrijeme terapije. Usavršavanjem tehnike ravnoga luka nastala je Roth tehnika, a dvadesetih godina prošlog stoljeća McLaughlin, Bennet, Trevisi tehnika. Roth te McLaughlin, Bennet, Trevisi tehnika, kao druga i treća generacija suvremenih ortodontskih tehnika, danas su vrlo često primjenjivane u svakodnevnom ortodontskom radu. S jedne su strane vrlo slične tehnike, dok s druge strane različite, što možemo vidjeti iz nekih njihovih karakteristika. Primjerice, Roth stavlja naglasak na estetiku lica, dok je osnivačima McLaughlin, Bennet, Trevisi tehnike primarni cilj bio zadovoljiti estetiku zuba. Jedna od glavnih razlika je povećanje torka u tehnici treće generacije, koju i nazivamo tehnikom visokog torka, te smanjenje vrijednosti tipa za gornji i donji prednji segment čime se dobije na prostoru potrebnom za smještaj frontalnih zuba. Unatoč razlikama koje pronalazimo, ove dvije suvremene tehnike daju isti klinički rezultat što nam potvrđuju i provedena istraživanja, te se može zaključiti kako izbor pojedine tehnike ovisi samo o liječniku. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that uses orthodontic appliances, which are divided into fixed and removable. The fixed orthodontic appliances date back to Angle, who is widely considered to be the father of modern orthodontics, yet the revolution in orthodontic treatment brought about by the work of Andrews and the introduction of the straight-wire technique. Its main feature is the input of threefold information about the movement of a tooth in the bracket, which reduces not only the need to bend the wire, but also the treatment duration. Perfecting the straight wire technique led to the development of the Roth technique, and in the 1920s, the McLaughlin, Bennet, Trevisi technique. Both Roth and McLaughlin, Bennet, Trevisi technique, as the second and third generation of modern orthodontic techniques are quite common in every day orthodontics. One the one side, the techniques are very similar, but on the other, their distinct features are noticeable. For instance, Roth places emphasis on facial aesthetics, while the main aim of the McLaughlin, Bennet, Trevisi technique is to meet the requirements for dental aesthetics. One of the biggest differences is the increase of torque in the technique of the third generation, which is referred to as the high torque, as well as the decrease in tip values for the upper and lower anterior segments, which allows for the space required for the incisors. Despite the evident differences, these two modern techniques yield the same clinical results, which is confirmed by researches. It can therefore be concluded that the choice of a certain technique is left only to the orthodontist. |