Sažetak | Otprije se zna da oboljenja parodonta nemaju utjecaj samo na lokalnoj razini već neizravno cirkulacijom mikroorganizmi i njihovi produkti metabolizma remete rad drugih organskih sustava. Parodontitis povezujemo s respiratornim, kardiovaskularnim ili endokrinim oboljenjima. Utjecaj na reproduktivni sustav još se istražuje, ali za sada nema sumnje u povezanost. Parodontitis je upalna bolest koja zahvaća potporni aparat zuba, a ako se ne liječi dovodi do gubitka zuba. Kronični parodontitis zahvaća 30 – 40% populacije, stoga je veliki javnozdravstveni problem. Izazvan je mnogim faktorima: lošom oralnom higijenom, pušenjem, debljinom, starenjem, stresom, sistemskim oboljenjima, abnormalnošću imunološkog sustava, a to su samo neki od etioloških faktora. Ovi faktori zajednički su još jednoj podmukloj, sve učestalijoj bolesti – neplodnosti. Neplodnost označava nemogućnost ostvarivanja potomstva tijekom godine dana pokušavanja. Srećom, izlječiva je, ali se ne zna uvijek uzrok, točnije trećini svih neplodnosti uzrok je nepoznat. Od bolesti koje zahvaćaju reproduktivni sustav, a povezane su s neplodnošću, najčešće se spominju endometrioza, sindrom policističnih jajnika i infekcije reproduktivnog sustava. Rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja ukazuju na povezanost na razini mikroorganizama, posebice veliku ulogu ima P. gingivalis koji specifičnim faktorima virulencije narušava začeće. Parodontitis predstavlja upalnu bolest koja oslobađa upalne parametre unutar cirkulacije i na taj način potpomaže neplodnost na dva načina: sprječava ovulaciju i sprječava implantaciju embrija ili pak održavanje samog embrija. Održavanje oralne higijene, smanjenje stresa i zdraviji život pridonose redukciji ovih kroničnih bolesti. Svakako se preporučuje temeljiti pregled stomatologa i ginekologa prije planiranja obitelji kako bi se spriječila nemogućnost začeća. |
Sažetak (engleski) | It is well known that not only do periodontal diseases have a local impact, but they also indirectly interfere with the functioning of other organ systems through the circulation of microorganisms and their metabolic products. Periodontitis is usually associated with respiratory, cardiovascular or endocrine diseases. Impact on the reproductive system is still being researched, but so far, it has been established beyond doubt that a correlation between the two does exist. Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the supporting apparatus of the tooth, and ultimately leads to tooth loss. Chronic periodontitis affects 30-40% of the population and is therefore a major public health problem. It is caused by numerous factors – such as poor oral hygiene, smoking, obesity, aging, stress, systemic diseases and abnormalities of the immune system, which are only some of the etiological factors. These factors are common to another insidious, increasingly common disease – infertility. Infertility indicates the inability to have offspring within a year of trying. Fortunately, it is curable, but the cause is not always known. More precisely, in one third of all infertility cases, the cause is unknown. When it comes to diseases that affect the reproductive system and are also associated with infertility, the most common ones are endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome and reproductive system infections. So far, research results have indicated that there is a correlation at the micro-organic level, especially in cases of P. gingivalis, which has a particularly large impact and disrupts conception by its specific virulence factors. Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease that increases inflammatory parameters in the circulatory system and thus promotes infertility in two ways: it prevents ovulation and embryo implantation or survival. By maintaining oral hygiene, reducing stress and leading a healthier life, these chronic diseases can be reduced. Prior to family planning, a thorough dental and gynaecological examination are strongly recommended for the purpose of minimising the possibility of failure to achieve pregnancy. |