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Book of abstracts; 19th International foundrymen conference, Humans - Valuable Resource for Foundry Industry Development
Sisak: University of Zagreb Faculty of Metallurgy Aleja narodnih heroja 3 44000 Sisak Croatia, 2021. urn:nbn:hr:115:777341

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Dolić, N., Zovko Brodarac, Z., & Brajčinović, S. (Ur.). (2021). Book of abstracts; 19th International foundrymen conference, Humans - Valuable Resource for Foundry Industry Development. Sisak: University of Zagreb Faculty of Metallurgy Aleja narodnih heroja 3 44000 Sisak Croatia. Preuzeto s https://urn.nsk.hr/urn:nbn:hr:115:777341.

Dolić, Natalija, et al., ur. Book of abstracts; 19th International foundrymen conference, Humans - Valuable Resource for Foundry Industry Development. Sisak, University of Zagreb Faculty of Metallurgy Aleja narodnih heroja 3 44000 Sisak Croatia, 2021. https://urn.nsk.hr/urn:nbn:hr:115:777341.

N. Dolić, Z. Zovko Brodarac, i S. Brajčinović, ur. Book of abstracts; 19th International foundrymen conference, Humans - Valuable Resource for Foundry Industry Development. Sisak: University of Zagreb Faculty of Metallurgy Aleja narodnih heroja 3 44000 Sisak Croatia, 2021. https://urn.nsk.hr/urn:nbn:hr:115:777341.

Dolić, N., Zovko Brodarac, Z. & Brajčinović, S. (ur.). (2021) Book of abstracts; 19th International foundrymen conference, Humans - Valuable Resource for Foundry Industry Development. [online]. Sisak: University of Zagreb Faculty of Metallurgy Aleja narodnih heroja 3 44000 Sisak Croatia. Preuzeto s: https://urn.nsk.hr/urn:nbn:hr:115:777341 (Datum pristupa: 21.06.2024.)

Dolić N, Zovko Brodarac Z, Brajčinović S, ur. Book of abstracts; 19th International foundrymen conference, Humans - Valuable Resource for Foundry Industry Development. [Internet]. Sisak: University of Zagreb Faculty of Metallurgy Aleja narodnih heroja 3 44000 Sisak Croatia; 2021, [pristupljeno 21.06.2024.] Dostupno na: https://urn.nsk.hr/urn:nbn:hr:115:777341

N. Dolić, Z. Zovko Brodarac i S. Brajčinović, Ur., Book of abstracts; 19th International foundrymen conference, Humans - Valuable Resource for Foundry Industry Development. Sisak, University of Zagreb Faculty of Metallurgy Aleja narodnih heroja 3 44000 Sisak Croatia, 2021. [Online] Dostupno na: https://urn.nsk.hr/urn:nbn:hr:115:777341