Sažetak | Kreativna i art terapija vrlo je učinkovita u radu sa svim dobnim skupinama te sa osobama koje imaju teškoće u razvoju. Kreativna terapija je nešto širi pojam od art terapije, a uz ekspresivne medije koje koristi art terapija upotrebljava neke dodatne metode.
Glavne značajke likovne terapije su korištenje crteža u dijagnostičke i komunikacijske svrhe. Prednost rada u likovnoj terapiji je mogućnost neverbalne komunikacije te samim time izražavanje osjećaja neverbalnim putem.
Glazba djeluje na čovjekovo raspoloženje i njegove osjećaje što daje prednost glazboterapiji. Aktivnim i pasivnim metodama glazboterapija djeluje na pojedinca.
Kod terapije pokretom i plesom, pokret i ples se koriste s ciljem poticanja emotivne, kognitivne, socijalne i tjelesne integracije svakog pojedinca. Simbolizacija pokretom jedan je koncept u okviru terapije plesom kod kojeg se pokreti prenose estetskim oblikovanjem i simboličkim pokretima.
Psihodrama je metoda u kojoj protagonist kroz glumu izražava svoje osjećaje, sukobe i konflikte. Kod psihodrame je važna komunikacija, ali osim verbalne promatraju se i neverbalni pokreti pojedinca.
U poetskoj i biblioterapiji koristi se poezija i druga literatura kako bi pojedinac oslobodio svoje osjećaje, educirao se o svojoj teškoći te kako bi se općenito pomoglo pojedincu u svladavanju problema.
S obzirom na široku primjenjivost kreativne i art terapije, ona je primjenjiva kod mnogih teškoća, a u ovom radu navedeni su rezultati o uspješnoj primjeni art terapije kod zlostavljane djece, djece s ADHD-om, intelektualnim teškoćama, autizmom, oštećenjem vida i sluha, hospitaliziranom djecom te djecom s psihičkim poremećajima.
U ovom se radu posebice ističu prednosti neverbalne komunikacije koja je osobito važna za rad s djecom s teškoćama. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Creative and art therapy is very effective in working with all age groups and people with developmental difficulties. Creative therapy is a somewhat broader term than art therapy, and in addition to the expressive media used by art therapy, it uses some additional methods.
The main features of art therapy are the use of drawings for diagnostic and communication purposes. The advantage of working in art therapy is the possibility of non-verbal communication and thus the expression of feelings in a non-verbal way.
Music affects a person's mood and feelings, which gives preference to music therapy. Through active and passive methods, music therapy works on the individual.
In movement and dance therapy, movement and dance are used to encourage the emotional, cognitive, social, and physical integration of each individual. Movement symbolization is a concept in dance therapy in which movements are transmitted through aesthetic design and symbolic movements.
Psychodrama is a method in which the protagonist expresses his feelings, conflicts and conflicts through acting. In psychodrama, communication is important, but in addition to verbal, non-verbal movements of the individual are also observed.
Poetry and bibliotherapy use poetry and other literature, depending on the purpose for which it is used and at what stage of development the individual is, in order for the individual to release his feelings, educate himself about his difficulty and to help the individual in overcoming problems.
Given the wide applicability of creative and art therapy, it is applicable to many difficulties, and this paper presents the results of successful application of art therapy in abused children, children with ADHD, intellectual disabilities, autism, visual and hearing impairment, hospitalized children and children with mental disorders.
In this paper, the advantages of non-verbal communication, which is especially important for working with children with disabilities, are particularly emphasized. |