Sažetak | Slikovnica je vrlo često prvi susret djeteta s knjigom. Svakim danom, ona uveseljava, odgaja i obrazuje velik broj djece te ih upoznaje sa svijetom koji ih okružuje. Obilježavaju je informacijsko – odgojna, spoznajna, iskustvena, govorno – jezična, estetska i zabavna funkcija. One su usmjerene na zadovoljavanje potreba djece rane i predškolske dobi, a kako bi se ostvarile te time djetetu ponudile najbolje od svojega svijeta, potrebno je voditi računa o kvaliteti slikovnice, tj. dobi kojoj je namijenjena, njezinom tekstu, ilustraciji, radnji, likovima itd. Slikovnicu karakterizira i bogatstvo oblika i vrsta u kojima dolazi, a posebice su zanimljive slikovnice koje djeci nastoje približiti prošla vremena i znanstvene teme. Takve slikovnice pronalazimo u izdavaštvu muzeja te su dio muzejskih publikacija za djecu i mlade kroz koje se ciljanom komunikacijom nastoje približiti muzejski sadržaji, predmeti i zbirke najmlađoj publici. Muzejska slikovnica odlikuje se jezičnim i slikovnim diskursom, ali njena posebnost se krije u nastojanju da osvijesti neki dio nacionalne baštine čime ona nosi status umjetničke forme i zasebne slikovničke vrste.
Ovaj rad kroz teorijsku podlogu slikovnice i upoznavanje muzejskih publikacija za djecu, približava pojam muzejske slikovnice i upoznaje nas s njezinim značajkama i namjenom. Na taj način se nastojalo ukazati na postojanje i neke drugačije vrste slikovnice osim one standardne, čiju predodžbu najčešće koristimo. Rad predstavlja izabrane muzejske slikovnice, daje informacije o njihovom nastanku i sagledava ih kroz pojedine teorijske elemente. Takvim pristupom se pokušalo muzejsku slikovnicu povezati s njezinim matičnim žanrom te istodobno ukazati na hvalevrijedne i zanimljive, ali nažalost, nedovoljno raširene izdavačke djelatnosti muzeja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | A picture book is very often a child’s first encounter with a book. Everyday, it entertains, raises and educates a great number of children and introduces them to the world around them. A picture book is characterized by the following functions: information-educational, cognitive, experiential, linguistic, spoken, aesthetic and entertainment. The aim of a picture book is to meet the needs of children of early and preschool age, and in order to achieve and thus offer the child the best of their world, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the picture book, i.e. the age group for which it is intended, its text, illustration, plot, characters, etc. Furthermore, picture books are also characterized by the abundance of shapes and types in which they come, and especially interesting are the picture books that try to bring children closer to past times and scientific topics. Such picture books can be found in museum publishing houses and are part of museum publications for children and young adolescents, which, through targeted communication, bring museum contents, objects and collections closer to the youngest audience. A museum picture book is characterized by linguistic and graphic discourse however, its uniqueness lies in the effort to raise awareness of a part of a national heritage, which gives it a status of an art form and a different kind of a picture book.
This thesis, through the theoretical background of picture books and presentation of museum publications for children, brings the readers closer to the concept of a museum picture book and introduces them to its features and purpose. In this way, the thesis points out the existence of some other type of picture book besides the standard one, to which we are all used to. The thesis presents selected museum picture books, provides information about their origin and, analyses them through individual theoretical elements. This approach attempted to connect the museum picture book with its parent genre and, in the same time, highlight praiseworthy and interesting, however, insufficiently widespread museum publishing activity. |