Sažetak | Svjedoci smo kako se dolaskom napredne tehnologije sve veći broj ljudi prestao
aktivno baviti bilo kakvom tjelesnom aktivnošću, a to dovodi do pretilosti, odnosno
prekomjerne tjelesne težine i obolijevanja sve većeg broja ljudi u svijetu od različitih
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoji li statistički značajna povezanost između
kardiorespiratornog fitnessa i razine tjelesne aktivnosti.
Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 129 ispitanica Učiteljskog fakulteta Sveučilišta
u Zagrebu – Odsjeka u Čakovcu prosječne dobi od 21 godine. Uzorak varijabli
obuhvaća Beep test koji je poznat kao i PACER (Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular
Enduracne Run), a tjelesna aktivnost studentica ispitana je Baeckerovim upitnikom
„The Questionnaire of Baecke et al for Measurement of a Person's Habitual Phisical
Ovim istraživanjem, prema referentnim vrijednostima maksimalnog primitka kisika
prema Heywardu (1998), 55% ispitanica ostvarilo je jako slabe rezultate, 37.2%
ispitanica postiglo je slabi rezultat, samo 6.2% ispitanica postiglo je prosječan rezultat,
a veoma mali udio ispitanica, njih 1.6% ostvario dobar rezultat, dok ni jedna od
ispitanica nije ostvarila odličan ili superioran rezultat. Prema referentnim
vrijednostima maksimalnog primitka kisika prema LeBlancu (2016), 51.2% ispitanica
ostvarilo je slabe rezultate, 33.3% ispitanica postiglo je ispodprosječan rezultat,
prosječan rezultat postiglo je 13.2% ispitanica, a dobar rezultat ostvario je najmanji
broj ispitanica, njih 2.3%. Prosječna vrijednost maksimalnog primitka kisika svih 129
ispitanica ovog istraživanja iznosila je 23.70 ml/kg/min, dok je prosječna vrijednost
ukupne tjelesne aktivnosti iznosila 8.42.
U istraživanju je dobivena značajna i niska pozitivna povezanost svih varijabli Beep
testa i indeksa sporta (r=0.28 – 0.30). Dobivene su značajne pozitivne vrijednosti
koeficijenata korelacije između indeksa slobodnog vremena i svih varijabli Beep testa
(r=0.22 i 0.23), dok su najveći koeficijenti s vrijednostima pozitivnog smjera dobiveni
između ukupne tjelesne aktivnosti i svih varijabli testa (r=0.29). Rezultati sugeriraju
kako ispitanice koje imaju viši indeks u tjelesnim aktivnostima sporta, slobodnog
vremena i ukupne tjelesne aktivnosti postižu bolje rezultate u testu kardiorespiratornog
fitnesa, a vrijedi i obrnuto.
U današnje vrijeme zaokupljenosti sa različitim sjedilačkim aktivnostima, veoma je
bitno baviti se tjelesnom aktivnošću od najranije dobi jer bavljenjem bilo kakvom
tjelesnom aktivnošću sprječavamo nastanak raznih bolesti, ali postajemo i pokretači
zdravog način življenja koji je prijeko potreban ne samo određenim pojedincima, već
cjelokupnom današnjem društvu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | We are witnessing that with the advent of advanced technology an increasing number
of people have stopped actively engaging in any physical activity, and this leads to
obesity in other words overweight and the growing number of people in the world
getting sick from various diseases.
The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a statistically significant
association between cardiorespiratory fitness and physical activity levels.
The research was conducted with a sample of 129 respondents from the Faculty of
Teacher Education, University of Zagreb - Department in Čakovec, with an average
age of 21 years. The sample of variables used was made of the Beep test, also known
as the PACER (Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Enduracne Run), while the
students physical activity was examined with the Baecker questionnaire "The
Questionnaire of Baecke et al for Measurement of a Person's Habitual Physical
With this study according to the reference values of maximum oxygen intake
according to Heyward (1998), 55% of respondents achieved very poor results, 37.2%
of respondents achieved a poor result, only 6.2% of respondents achieved an average
score, and a very small proportion of respondents, 1.6% of them achieved a good
result, while none of the respondents achieved an excellent or superior result.
According to the reference values of maximum oxygen intake according to LeBlanc
(2016), 51.2% of respondents achieved poor results, 33.3% of respondents achieved
below-average results, an average result was achieved by 13.2% of respondents, and a
good result was achieved by the lowest number of respondents , 2.3% of them.
According to these reference values, the respondents did not achieved very poor, very
good or excellent results. With the results obtained by using the Beep test was
calculated the average value of the maximum oxygen intake of all 129 subjects in this
study, and it was 23.70 ml / kg / min. The average value of the total physical activity
of female students obtained using the Baecke questionnaire was 8.42.
The study obtained a significant and low positive correlation between all variables of
the Beep test and the sports index (r = 0.28 - 0.30). The value of the positive value of
the correlation coefficients between the leisure time index and all Beep test variables
(r = 0.22 and 0.23) was obtained, while the largest coefficients with positive direction
values were obtained between total physical activity and all test variables (r = 0, 29).
The results suggest that respondents who have a higher index in physical activities,
sports, leisure and overall physical activity, achieve better results in the
cardiorespiratory fitness test, and vice versa.
In today's time of preoccupation with various sedentary activities, it is very important
to engage in physical activity at the earliest age, because engaging in any physical
activity prevents getting various diseases, but also becomes a initiator of a healthy
lifestyle that is essential not only for individuals but for entire society today. |