Sažetak | Rad je pisan kao cjelokupna analiza problemske slikovnice Ranie Zaghir, „Dječakov problem UHUH“. Analizi slikovnice pristupit će se holistički, odnosno analizirat će se svaki njen dio od samog oblika slikovnice i njezinih korica do njenog književnog i likovnog sadržaja. Na samom početku, pobliže će se objasniti definicija slikovnice te pogledi različitih teoretičara o odnosu njenih dvaju diskursa, jezičnom i slikovnom. Zatim će se konkretizirati što je to problemska slikovnica i kako se može primjenjivati prilikom rada s djecom.
Središnji dio rada započet će s predstavljanjem autorice slikovnice „Dječakov problem UHUH“ Ranie Zaghir. Kroz opis njezinog odrastanja, školovanja i aktivnog književnog rada, dobit će se kratki uvid u Zaghirino djelovanje na polju libanonske književnosti te njen opus. U nastavku slijedi konkretna analiza njezine problemske slikovnice „Dječakov problem UHUH“. Proučavajući na koje se sve oblike i funkcije mogu podijeliti slikovnice, Zaghirina slikovnica svrstat će se u te kategorije. U razmatranje će se uzeti podjela slikovnica po količini teksta prema Čudini-Obradović, s obzirom na uzrast čitatelja kojem je namijenjena, podjela po tipu funkcije slikovnice po Peteru Čačku te uzimajući u obzir njenu tematiku.
Zatim slijedi obrada teme slikovnice, odnosno njene problematike - odvikavanje djece od obavljanja nužde u gaće i privikavanje odlaska na zahodsku školjku. U radu će se dotaknuti i pedagoški aspekt slikovnice, točnije analizirat će se Zaghirin pristup obradi ove pomalo tabu teme i kako je djeci na duhovit način prikazala ono što ih muči.
U nastavku slijedi analiza slikovnice s obzirom na suodnos teksta i ilustracije, poput rasporeda ilustracija na stranici, količini i položaju teksta i sl. Također, detaljnije će se analizirati verbalni diskurs slikovnice što uključuje analizu pripovjedača, ton i jezik kojim je tekst pisan i dr. Zatim slijedi detaljna analiza slikovnog diskursa slikovnice, odnosno analiza svakog aspekta ilustracija od njenih likovnih vrijednosti do boja, linija i oblika korištenih u izradi ilustracija. Opisani likovni elementi povezat će se s njihovim utjecajem na emocionalni doživljaj djeteta.
U radu će se analizirati i fizičke karakteristike slikovnice po Sipeu i Šišnoviću. Između ostalog, promatrat će se naslovnica slikovnice, njezine korice, oblik te format. Uzimajući u obzir kako fizičke tako i književne vrijednosti slikovnice, dotaknut će se tema kriterija procjene odgojno-obrazovne vrijednosti slikovnice.
Dolazi se do zaključka da je važnost problemskih slikovnica u dječjem odrastanju neprocjenjiva bez obzira čita li ih netko djetetu ili ih ono samo čita. Slikovnica Ranie Zaghir nije izuzetak.
Šaljivim ilustracijama i zanimljivim tekstom djeca se lako mogu povezati s glavnim likom slikovnice i poistovjetiti s njegovim problemom. Dobrobit problemske slikovnice je višestruka, u njoj dijete može spoznati da se poput druge djece bori s mnogim sličnim problemima, također može saznati rješenje za svoj problem ili kome se obratiti u slučaju da ga nešto muči. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The paper was written as an overall analysis of Rania Zaghir's problematic picture book, "The Boy's Problem UHUH". The analysis of the picture book will be approached holistically; every part of it will be analyzed, from the shape of the picture book itself and its covers to its literary and artistic content. At the very beginning, the definition of a picture book and the views of different theorists on the relationship between its two discourses, linguistic and pictorial, will be explained in more detail. Then it will be specified what a problem picture book is and how it can be used in working with children.
The central part of the work will begin with the presentation of the author of the picture book "The Boy's Problem UHUH" Rania Zaghir. Through the description of her upbringing, education and active literary work, a brief insight into Zaghira's activity in the field of Lebanese literature and her oeuvre will be given. The following is a concrete analysis of her problematic picture book "The Boy's Problem UHUH". By studying what forms and functions picture books can be divided into, Zaghir's picture book will fall into those categories. The division of picture books according to the amount of text by Čudina-Obradović, according to the age of the reader for whom it is intended, the division according to the type of function of the picture book by Peter Čačak, and according to its subject matter will be taken into consideration.
Then follows the treatment of the theme of the picture book, i.e. its problem - weaning children from defecating in their underpants and getting them used to going to the toilet. The paper will also touch on the pedagogical aspect of the picture book, more specifically, it will analyze Zaghir's approach to the treatment of this slightly taboo topic and how she presented to children in a humorous way what troubles them.
Below is an analysis of the picture book with regard to the relationship between the text and the illustrations, such as the layout of the illustrations on the page, the amount and position of the text, etc. Also, the verbal discourse of the picture book will be analyzed in more detail, which includes the analysis of the narrator, the tone and language in which the text is written, etc. This is followed by a detailed analysis of the pictorial discourse of the picture book, that includes an analysis of every aspect of the illustrations, from their artistic values to the colors, lines and shapes used in the creation of the illustrations. The described artistic elements will be connected with their influence on the emotional experience of the child.
The paper will also analyze the physical characteristics of the picture book according to Sipe and Šišnović. Among other things, the cover of the picture book, its cover, shape and format will be observed. Taking into account both the physical and literary values of the picture book, the topic of criteria for assessing the educational value of the picture book will be touched upon.
The conclusion is reached that the importance of problem picture books in children's development is invaluable, regardless of whether someone reads them to the child or he reads them himself. Ranie Zaghir's picture book is no exception. With humorous illustrations and interesting text, children can easily relate to the main character of the picture book and identify with his problem. The benefit of the problem picture book is multifaceted, in it the child can learn that other children struggle with the same or similar problems, they can also find out the solution to their problem or who to turn to in case something bothers them. |