Sažetak | Socio-emocionalni razvoj vrlo je bitan kod djece, a od samog rođenja djeteta započinje emocionalni razvoj te kroz prve odnose s roditeljima i okolinom dijete razvija emocionalne veze. Također, socio-emocionalni razvoj vezan je i uz razvoj samospoznaje jer poznavanje pojma o sebi omogućuje nastanak socijalnih i emocionalnih vještina kao što su prosocijalno ponašanje, empatija, samopoštovanje i igre ponašanja, a uz to i djetetov temperament ima veliku ulogu u tome hoće li dijete usvojiti neke stupnjeve emocionalnog razvoja. Na socioemocionalni razvoj mogu utjecati razni unutarnji i vanjski čimbenici pa je tako i cilj ovog rada istražiti kako bavljenje sportom, kao jedan od čimbenika, utječe na dječji socio-emocionalni razvoj, točnije na dječju emocionalnu regulaciju te postoje li razlike u emocionalnoj regulaciji kod djece ne sportaša i djece uključenih u organizirane sportske aktivnosti. Istraživanje ovog rada provodilo se metodom anketiranja u dječjim vrtićima Jordanovac i sv. Josip, u Zagrebu. 36 djece sudjelovalo je u istraživanju, od kojih je 18 uključeno u organizirane sportske aktivnosti (sportaši), a 18 ih je ne sportaša te su u rasponu dobi od treće do sedme godine, to jest sudjelovale su dvije vrtićke skupine, mlađa i starija. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su značajnu razliku u nekim dijelovima emocionalne regulacije djece sportaša i ne sportaša. Posebno se vidi razlika između tih dviju skupina u verbalnom izražavanju emocija gdje se pokazalo kako sportaši bolje znaju izreći svoje emocije od ne sportaša. Nadalje, ne sportaši više pokazuju intenzivne promjene raspoloženja od sportaša te sportaši sukobe rješavaju mirnim i prikladnim ponašanjem za razliku od ne sportaša. Također, pokazalo se kako je sportašima puno jednostavnije prelaziti iz jedne u drugu aktivnost bez ikakve ljutite reakcije dok je ne sportašima to puno teže te koliko lakše ne sportaši postanu ljutiti i frustrirani u odnosu na sportaše. Sportaši su koncentriraniji i smireniji u aktivnostima koje to zahtijevaju od njih dok ne sportaši su manje koncentrirani. Uz to, ne sportaši više reagiraju burno kad ih netko naljuti za razliku od sportaša. Između ostalog, ne sportaši sukobe rješavaju agresivnim ponašanjem u odnosu na sportaše te se ne sportaši puno teže smire kad ih nešto uzruja dok se sportaši puno lakše smire u takvim situacijama. Samim tim, dokazano je kako sport itekako pomaže i utječe, i to pozitivno, na dječju emocionalnu regulaciju. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Socio-emotional development is very important for children. Emotional development begins with the very birth of a child, and emotional bonds develop through first relationships with parents and the environment. Socio-emotional development is also related to the development of self-awareness, because knowing the concept of oneself enables the emergence of social and emotional skills such as prosocial behaviour, empathy, self-esteem and behavioural games. In addition, the child's temperament plays a big role in whether the child will adopt some degree of emotional development or not. Socio-emotional development can be influenced by various internal and external factors, so the aim of this paper is to explore how playing sports, as one of the factors, affects children's socio-emotional development, more specifically, children's emotional regulation, and whether there are differences in emotional regulation in children who are not athletes and children involved in organized sports activities. The research was conducted using the survey method in kindergartens Jordanovac and St. Josip, in Zagreb. 36 children participated in the research, of which 18 were involved in organized sports activities (athletes), and 18 were non-athletes. The children were in an age range from three to seven years old, that is, two kindergarten groups, younger and older, participated in the survey. The obtained results showed a significant difference in the level of emotional regulation in athlete and non-athlete children. The difference between the two groups is especially visible in the verbal expression of emotions, where it was shown that athletes know how to express their emotions better than non-athletes. Furthermore, non-athletes show more intense mood swings than athletes, and+ athletes resolve conflicts with calm and appropriate behavior, unlike non-athletes. It was also shown that athletes, unlike non-athletes, move between activities without any angry reaction. The results also showed how much easier it is for non-athletes to become angry and frustrated compared to athletes. Athletes are more concentrated and calm in activities that require it from them, while non-athletes are less concentrated and they often react much more violently when someone makes them angry, unlike athletes. Among other things, non-athletes resolve conflicts with aggressive behavior compared to athletes, and it is much harder for non-athletes to calm down when something upsets them, while athletes calm down much more easily in such situations. By looking at these results, it has been proven that sport has a positive effect on children's emotional regulation. |