Sažetak | Pojam „alergija“ prvi upotrebljava austrijski liječnik i pedijatar Clemens von Pirquet početkom 20. stoljeća, odnosno 1906. godine. Pojam alergija dolazi od dviju grčkih riječi, a to su allos (izmijenjen) i ergon (reaktivnost). U pojedinoj literaturi spominje se i u inačici allon ergo, što znači drugačije reagiram. U kliničkoj medicini reakcije neposredna preosjetljivost i reakcija kasne faze zajednički se nazivaju alergija ili atopija. Njima pridružene bolesti nazivaju se alergijske, atopijske ili bolesti neposredne preosjetljivosti. Ako se reakcije tih napada ponavljaju, dovode do razvoja kroničnih alergijskih bolesti pri kojima dolazi do oštećenja tkiva i njegova preoblikovanja. Alergeni su antigeni koji izazivaju reakcije neposredne osjetljivosti, a to su bjelančevine ili kemijske tvari vezane za bjelančevine. Alergeni uzrokuju alergijsku reakciju. Oni su svuda oko nas i nekima smo izloženi cijelu godinu, a nekima tek određeni dio godine. Alergene dijelimo na inhalacijske, probavne, kontaktne i ubrizgane, a u naše tijelo ulaze na razne načine. Alergijske bolesti definiraju se kao nezarazne kronične bolesti. One značajno utječu na radnu sposobnost, ali i na kvalitetu života od najranije dobi pa do starosti. Alergijske bolesti mogu se podijeliti na alergijske bolesti dišnog sustava (alergijski rinitis, alergijski konjunktivitis, astma), alergijske bolesti kože (urtikarija, angioedem, atopijski dermatitis), ostale alergijske bolesti (alergija na hranu, alergija na ubode i ugrize insekata, alergija na lijekove i cjepiva) te anafilaksiju. Najčešće alergijska bolest ovisi o dobi osobe. Tako su u ranoj dojenačkoj dobi česte gastrointestinalne alergije s preosjetljivošću na jaja, mlijeko ili neke druge alergene iz hrane. Zatim u dobi od tri do četiri mjeseca pa do godinu dana starosti najčešći je alergijski dermatitis koji se manifestira crvenilom, svrbežom i hrapavošću kože (obrazi, iza ušiju, pregib laktova, koljena, šaka i stopala). Astma se najčešće pojavljuje u dobi između druge i treće godine života. U pubertetu najčešći je alergijski rinitis. Alergijske bolesti u djetinjstvu češće zahvaćaju dječake, dok su u odrasloj dobi osjetljivije žene. Alergijska reakcija je odgovor imunološkog sustava koja oštećuje organizam i stvara nepotrebne i neželjene simptome. Postoje četiri tipa alergijskih reakcija. Dijagnosticiranje alergija započinje osobnom i obiteljskom anamnezom, a zatim se rade dijagnostički postupci, odnosno testiranja od kojih postoje kožna testiranja (prick, scratch, patch, intradermalni testovi), krvne pretrage (RIST, RAST, eozinofilija) i provokacijski testovi. Alergije nisu izlječive pa je kod alergijskih bolesti nužna prevencija koja se dijeli na primarnu, sekundarnu i tercijarnu. Liječenje alergija podrazumijeva: izbjegavanje alergena ukoliko je moguće, primjenu lijekova, specifičnu imunoterapiju te edukaciju. Uloga odgojitelja kod alergija je u prevenciji, edukaciji i liječenjualergijskih bolesti. Važni su i postupci pružanja pomoći kod alergijskih reakcija. Kroz istraživanje odgovoreno je na nekoliko pitanja kao što su rasprostranjenost alergijskih bolesti u vrtićkim skupinama te jesu li ta djeca svjesna svojih alergija, te jesu li sami odgojitelji dovoljno upoznati s alergijskim bolestima i njihovim ulogama kod djece „alergičara“. Osim toga, cilj istraživanja je bio potvrditi (ili odbaciti) postavljene hipoteze. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The term "allergy" was first used by the Austrian doctor and pediatrician Clemens von Pirquet at the beginning of the 20th century, i.e. in 1906. The term allergy comes from two Greek words, allos (changed) and ergon (reactivity). In some literature, it is also mentioned in the version allon ergo, which means I react differently. In clinical medicine, immediate hypersensitivity reactions and late phase reactions are collectively called allergy or atopy. The diseases associated with them are called allergic, atopic or immediate hypersensitivity diseases. If the reactions of these attacks are repeated, they lead to the development of chronic allergic diseases in which tissue is damaged and reshaped. Allergens are antigens that cause immediate sensitivity reactions, which are proteins or chemical substances related to proteins. Allergens cause an allergic reaction. They are all around us and we are exposed to some of them all year, and some only for a certain part of the year. We divide allergens into inhaled, digestive, contact and injected, and enter our body in various ways. Allergic diseases are defined as noninfectious chronic diseases. They significantly affect the ability to work, but also the quality of life from an early age to old age. Allergic diseases can be divided into allergic diseases of the respiratory system (allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, asthma), allergic skin diseases (urticaria, angioedema, atopic dermatitis), other allergic diseases (food allergy, allergy to stings and insect bites, allergy to medicines and vaccines) and anaphylaxis. The most common allergic disease depends on the age of the person. Thus, in early infancy, gastrointestinal allergies with hypersensitivity to eggs, milk or some other food allergens are common. Then, at the age of three to four months and up to one year of age, the most common is allergic dermatitis, which is manifested by redness, itching and roughness of the skin (cheeks, behind the ears, bends of the elbows, knees, hands and feet). Asthma most often appears between the ages of two and three. Allergic rhinitis is the most common in puberty. Allergic diseases in childhood affect boys more often, while women are more susceptible in adulthood. An allergic reaction is a response of the immune system that damages the body and creates unnecessary and unwanted symptoms. There are four types of allergic reactions. Diagnosing allergies begins with personal and family history, followed by diagnostic procedures, i.e. tests, which include skin tests (prick, scratch, patch, intradermal tests), blood tests (RIST, RAST, eosinophilia) and provocation tests. Allergies are not curable, so in the case of allergic diseases, prevention is necessary, which is divided into primary, secondary and tertiary. Treatment of allergies includes: avoiding allergens if possible, medication, specific immunotherapy and education. The role of allergy educators is in the prevention, education and treatment of allergic diseases. Procedures for providing helpin case of allergic reactions are also important. Several questions were answered through the research, such as the prevalence of allergic diseases in kindergarten groups and whether these children are aware of their allergies, and whether the educators themselves are sufficiently familiar with allergic diseases and their roles in "allergic" children. In addition, the goal of the research was to confirm (or reject) the set hypotheses. |