Sažetak | Sve prisutniji problem u današnje vrijeme je problem djece s poremećajem pažnje i nemirom. Razlog tome su različiti utjecaji okoline koji ponekad poprilično negativno utječu na dijete i njegovu promjenu ponašanja, a često mogu biti okidač za razvoj ozbiljnijih poremećaja. Deficit pažnje/hiperaktivni poremećaj (ADHD) je razvojni poremećaj s izraženim simptomima nepažnje i/ili hiperaktivnosti/impulzivnosti. Kod djece s ADHD poremećajem postoji neurološka disfunkcija, to jest smetnje u funkcioniranju mozga. Često se teškoće djeteta prvi puta javljaju s polaskom u školu zbog čega je nužno imati funkcionalan i prilagođen školski sustav te educirano i sposobno nastavno osoblje kako bi dijete postiglo svoj maksimum. Ako okolina, roditelji, odgajatelji, učitelji i drugi ne razumije poremećaj djeteta, vrlo će lako poduzeti pogrešne postupke prema djetetu, što će imati daljnje negativne posljedice po djetetu. S obzirom na ranije navedeno jasno je da se radi o kompleksnom poremećaju kojemu je potrebno pridati puno više pažnje. Bitno je razmijeti sami nastanak i uzroke poremećaja, njegove simptome, utjecaj na dijete s ADHD-om i njegovu okolinu te mogućnosti reakcije svih dostupnih aktera kako bi se pomoglo djetetu. Upravo zbog toga, u ovom radu je riječ o opisu poremećaja, njegovu nastanku i posljedicama, procesu dijagnosticiranja, liječenju, edukaciji roditelja, ali i nastavnog osoblja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | An increasingly problem today is the problem of children with attention and disturbance. The reason for this is the various environmental impacts that sometimes have a very negative impact on the child and his behavioral change and may often be a trigger for the development of more serious disorders. Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder with pronounced symptoms of negligence and / or hyperactivity / impulsiveness. Children with ADHD disorder have neurological dysfunction, namely brain function impairment. Children's difficulties often occur for the first time with their primary education which is why it is necessary to have a functional and tailored school system and educated and capable staff to ensure that the child reaches its maximum. If the environment, parents, educators, teachers and others do not understand the child's disorder, it will be very easy to take the wrong steps towards the child, which will have further negative consequences for the child. Given the above, it is clear that this is a complex disorder that requires much more attention. It is important to consider the emergence and causes of the disorder, its symptoms, the impact on the child with ADHD and its environment, and the ability to react to all available actors to help the child. That is why, in this paper, there is a description of the disorder, its origin and consequences, the process of diagnosis, treatment, education of parents, as well as teaching staff |