Sažetak | Ovaj rad navodi i opisuje razvoj umjetnosti, njezinu važnost kroz povijest te se navode grane umjetnosti nastale razvojem društva. Likovne umjetnosti prema sredstvima izražavanja dijelimo na: crtež, grafiku i slikarstvo (vezani za plohu) te kiparstvo i arhitekturu (u prostoru). Dječje likovno stvaralaštvo započinje spontano, već u najranijoj dobi kada dijete istražuje svijet oko sebe. Dijete osjeća unutarnju potrebu i poriv za istraživanjem i stvaranjem što je tipično za svu djecu svijeta. U radu se ističe važnost dječjeg likovnog izražavanja od najranije dobi pa sve do faze realizma, a u tome mu pomaže odgojitelj koji dijete usmjerava i pomaže mu u istraživanju i slobodi izražavanja. Ako dijete pravilno ne zadovolji svoju potrebu za likovnim stvaralaštvom, bit će nezadovoljno sobom što će se manifestirati u odrasloj dobi putem nepoželjnih ponašanja. Odgojitelj treba biti likovno educiran kako bi mogao na pravilan način analizirati dječji likovni rad. Dječji rad prožet je iskrenošću, različitim emocijama, slobodan je i maštovit. Putem dječjeg rada odgojitelj može iščitati kako se dijete osjećalo tijekom stvaranja, u kojoj se razvojnoj fazi nalazi, je li nadareno, koja mu je boja najdraža, te tako bolje upoznati dijete. U sklopu ovog rada provedeno je kvalitativno likovno istraživanje s djecom starosne dobi od 6 i 7 godina koja su različitim likovnim aktivnostima istraživala pokret. Likovnim aktivnostima djeci se želio približiti pokret, njegova složenost i izgled posture tijela tijekom izvođenja neke radnje. Ujedno se djeci tijekom istraživanja željelo omogućiti isprobavanje i istraživanje kroz različite likovne tehnike. Nadalje, ovim se radom djecu željelo potaknuti na različite oblike kretanja te na promišljanje o zdravim navikama. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This paper outlines and describes the development of art, its importance since ancient times, and the branches of art that have emerged with the development of society. The visual arts, according to their means of expression, are divided into drawing, graphic arts, and painting (which are related to surfaces) and sculpture and architecture (which exist in space). Children's artistic creation begins spontaneously, even at an early age, when a child explores the world around them. A child feels an inner need and drive for exploration and creation, which is typical for all children worldwide. The paper highlights the importance of children's artistic expression from the earliest age up to the stage of realism, aided by an educator who guides the child and helps in exploration and freedom of expression. If a child's need for artistic creation is not properly satisfied, the child will become dissatisfied with themselves, which will manifest later in adulthood through undesirable behaviour. The educator must be artistically educated to properly analyse the child's artwork. A child's work is filled with honesty, various emotions, and is free and imaginative. Through the child's work, the educator can discern how the child felt during creation, in which developmental stage the child is, whether the child is gifted, what their favourite colour is, and thus get to know the child better. In this paper, qualitative artistic research was conducted with children aged 6 and 7, who explored movement through various artistic activities. The goal of these artistic activities was to bring the concept of movement closer to the children, its complexity, and the appearance of body posture during the execution of certain actions. During the research, children were also encouraged to experiment and explore with various artistic techniques. Furthermore, this paper aimed to encourage children to engage in various forms of movement and to reflect on healthy habits. |