Sažetak | Školskim vrtom smatrati se mogu sve vrste biljki koje rastu na području škole, a o njima brinu učenici uz pomoć učitelja i služe za potrebe nastave. Školski vrtovi pojavili su se već u 17. stoljeću i kroz povijest su mijenjali svoju namjenu. Jedno vrijeme glavna im je namjena bila proizvodnja sadnica za mještane, a danas školski vrtovi služe isključivo za potrebe nastave i imaju odgojno-obrazovnu svrhu. U školskom vrtu učenici teorijska znanja mogu vidjeti na stvarnim primjerima, ali također ih produbiti te steći nova znanja. Osim što je usko povezan sa zadaćama nastave Prirode i društva, rad u školskom vrtu moguće je povezati i s nastavom drugih predmeta. Interes za razvoj školskih vrtova u nas ponovno jača od 1990. godine, a naročito posljednjih nekoliko godina što se može vidjeti i na primjeru školskih vrtova u Turopolju gdje su se počeli osnivati novi školski vrtovi ili proširivati postojeći. Kako bi se dobio uvid u stanje školskih vrtova na području Turopolja u svibnju 2018. godine provedeno je terensko istraživanje i obavljeni su intervjui s djelatnicima odabranih škola koje posjeduju školske vrtove. Intervjui su provedeni s djelatnicima 13 turopoljskih osnovnih škola pri čemu se došlo do sljedećih saznanja: o školskim vrtovima brinu učenici uz pomoć učitelja i ostalih djelatnika škole, sadi se pretežito cvijeće i voće, a rjeđe povrće ili začini, u okolišu škole nalaze se grmolike biljke i stablašice. Kao najveće probleme kod uzgoja biljaka učitelji navode nedostatak financijskih sredstava, vremena i osoblja (čistačica, domara i sl.) koje bi se o školskom vrtu brinulo i za vrijeme školskih praznika. Učitelji i profesori koji rade u školama na području Turopolja su iznimno motivirani za rad u školskom vrtu te unatoč problemima nastoje održati školske vrtove što boljima i uzornijima. |
Sažetak (engleski) | School gardens can be considered as all kinds of plants that grow in the school area, which students care fore with the help of teachers and use them for teaching purposes. School gardens have emerged already in the 17th century and have changed their purpose through history. In the one time, the main purpose was to produce seedlings for the locals, and today the school gardens are used exclusively for teaching purposes and have educational caracter. In a school garden, students can see theoretical knowledge in real instance, but also deepen and gain new theoretical knowledge. Apart from being closely associated with the teaching of Nature and Society teaching, work in the school garden can also be linked to the teaching of other subjects. The interest for the development of school gardens in the Croatia has risen again since 1990, and especially in past few years, which can be seen in the example of school gardens in Turopolje, where new school gardens have been constructed or expanded. In order to get insight into the condition of the school gardens in the Turopolje area, in May 2018 field research was conducted and interviews were done with the staff of selected schools that own the school gardens. Interviews were conducted with 13 primary school teachers, with the following findings: school gardens are taken care of by pupils with the help of teachers and other school staff, mainly flowers and fruits are grown, and fewer vegetables or spices, in the school environment we can see the bushy plants and trees. As the biggest problems in plant breeding, teachers have noted the lack of financial resources, time and staff (cleaners, janitors, etc.) who would care about the school garden during school holidays as well. Teachers and professors working in schools in the Turopolje are extremely motivated to work in the school garden and despite the problems they try to keep the school gardens better and more resilient. |