Sažetak | U današnje vrijeme, kada dijete puno više vremena provede u vrtiću nego sa svojim roditeljima više nego ikad potrebno je da roditelji i odgojitelji izgrade partnerski odnos. Samo od ovakvog odnosa, koji se zasniva na poštovanju, iskrenosti i ravnopravnosti dijete može imati višestruku korist. Često to nije lako ostvariti, jer su odgojitelju potrebne i neke druge vještine osim profesionalnog znanja. Nije isto raditi s djecom i surađivati s roditeljima. Svatko od nas je različit, imamo drugačije potrebe i ne komuniciramo na isti način. Iako ne postoji neki „univerzalni recept“ za dobrog odgojitelja, istraživanja su pokazala kako postoje „univerzalno poželjna obilježja odgojitelja“, a to su: osobine ličnosti, socijalne vještine i sposobnost primjene teorijskog znanja. Odgojitelj koji razumije potrebe i interese svoje djece i njihovih roditelja i poznaje teoriju i praksu moći će predvidjeti tuđa ponašanja i krizne situacije i znat će reagirati na pravi način. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In today's world, when a child spends more time with his or her teachers in the kindergarten than with their parents at home, more than ever it is necessary for both parents and children to develop a relationship based on partnership. Only from this kind of relationship, based on respect, honesty and equality, can a child benefit in multiple ways. Often that is very difficult to achieve, because the kindergarten teacher needs to have some other qualities besides professional skills. It is not the same to work with the children and cooperate with the parents. As individuals, we are all different, we have our own different needs, and we do not communicate in the same way. Although there is no “universal recipe“ for a good kindergarten teacher or educator, the research has shown that there are “universally appealing characteristics of the educator“, and these are: personality features, social skills, and the abilities to use theoretical knowledge. The kindergarten teacher who understands the needs and interests of his or her children and their parents, and also has both the theoretical and practical knowledge, will be able to predict the behaviour and the situations of crises, and will be able to react in the right way. |