Sažetak | Ovaj rad bavi se kulturom tetoviranja kroz ljudsku povijest i kako se ona
odrazila na različite aspekte ljudskog društva. Holistički način istraživanja omogućio
je interdisciplinarni pristup temi.
Od početka vremena čovjek kao misaono biće ima potrebu ostavljati poruke
drugim ljudima, bilo u vidu spiljskih crteža, kipova ili otisaka na svojoj koži. Kako
će poruka koju prenosi izgledati u očima primaoca i hoće li je on htjeti prihvatiti kao
takvu u tom trenutku čovjek ne može znati. Upravo zbog toga, ljudska kultura,
odnosno pojedinac sam se kasnije susreće s osuđivanjem prakse tjelesnih
modifikacija, u ovom slučaju tetoviranja. Rad pokriva praksu tetoviranja od samih
početaka pa sve do danas, s pregledom razvoja alatki potrebnih za sam čin
tetoviranja. Kroz pregled glavnih kultura tetoviranja i njihovih značajki u radu,
dobiva se uvid u stanje ljudskog naroda na tom području svijeta. Osim prakse
tetoviranja u radu se spominju i drugi oblici tjelesnih modifikacija, koji su često
tijesno povezani s navedenim. Dio rada bavi se pitanjima problema u kulturi
tetoviranja, kao što su estetika, trend, kič i autentičnost u samim tetovažama. Sam rad
pokriva i psihološku stranu razloga ukrašavanja ljudskog tijela u novije doba te kako
znanost gleda na to - kao na samodestrukciju ili umjetnost novijeg doba.
U svojoj najnovijoj formi, tetoviranje je umjetnički pothvat pri čemu autor
koristi ljudsko tijelo kao platno. Vođeni ovom mišlju umjetnici diljem svijeta zadnjih
nekoliko godina u svoja djela i umjetničke instalacije inkorporiraju i kulturu
tetoviranja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This paper focuses on the culture of tattooing through human history and how
it reflected in various aspects of human society. Holistic way of researching has
enabled an interdisciplinary approach to the subject.
Since the beginning of time, man as a thinking being has had a need to leave
messages for other people, either in the form of cave paintings, statues or imprint on
his own skin. How will the message be transmitted, how it will look in the eyes of
the recipient and whether they want to accept it as such at the moment, one cannot
know. Because of this, human culture and individual himself later encounters with
condemnation of the practice of body modification, in this case of tattooing. The
work covers the practice of tattooing, from the very beginning until today, with an
overview of the development of tools necessary for the mere act of tattooing.
Through a review of the main tattoo cultures and their features in the work, we get an
insight into the human population on that specific area of the world. This paper also
includes a brief review on other forms of body modification, which are often closely
related to the tattoo industry.
Part of this paper deals with the issue of problems in the tattoo culture, such
as aesthetics, trend, kitsch and authenticity of tattoos. The paper also covers the
reasons of decorating the human body, from the psychological side, and how science
looks at it - as the self-destruction or the art of modern times.
In its latest form, tattooing is an artistic endeavor where the author uses the
human body as canvas. Guided by this thought artists around the world in the past
few years have been incorporating tattoo culture in their art. |