Sažetak | Postoji nešto što privlači ljude egipatskoj povijesti. Bilo da se radi o hijeroglifima, piramidama ili činjenici da su mačke obožavane, očito postoji veliko zanimanje za ovu drevnu civilizaciju. Egipatsko razmišljanje se temeljilo na matematici i kanonima, te oni kao takvi predstavljaju izrazitu ljepotu za egipatski narod. Brojni stari narodi, su već tada vrednovali ljepotu ljudskoga tijela, kao čudo Postanka. Egipatska povijest svojim vidljivim ostatcima i mističnim narativom o nastanku i razvitku već stoljećima zaokuplja živote mnogih znanstvenika, stručnjaka i običnih zaljubljenika. Sama riječ Egiptologija danas nosi prizvuk piramida, sfingi, hramova i faraona kao centralnih figura jedne civilizacije, čiji se utjecaj prenosio i na okolna društva tog vremena. Ovaj rad dotiče se kronologije civilizacije, prati promijene kroz vrijeme, te razvoj hijerarhijskih, vjerskih, tehnoloških i kulturnih dostignuća. Egipatska civilizacija svoj napredak u prvom redu bazira na rijeku Nil, koja osim osnovne prehrane omogućava transport ljudi i robe, ali i osigurava komunikacijsku povezanost. Također u Egiptu ima onu mističnu stranu, faraona sa statusom božanstva, bogove koji aktivno sudjeluju u ljudskim životima, kult smrti i kulturu ispunjenog življenja. Arheološki nalazi ostataka odjeće, obuće i svakodnevnih predmeta omogućuju nam uvid u tadašnji način života i ostavljaju poveznicu s tradicijama koje su se zadržale do današnjeg vremena. Jedna od tih tradicija je upotreba kozmetike koja se razvila iz potrebe za higijenom i zaštitom od sunca, a pretvorila se u uljepšavanje tijela čiji je vrhunac bio ritualno mumificiranje tijela pokojnika i priprema za vječni život. Kozmetika je usporedno dovela do razvoja medicine, dok se uljepšavanje ljudskog tijela bojom zadržalo do današnjeg vremena. Bez iznimke i obzira na spol, muškarci i žene lica su ukrašavali dekorativnom kozmetikom, a jedan od kultnih proizvoda je zasigurno kohl. |
Sažetak (engleski) | There is something that draws people to Egyptian history. Whether it's the hieroglyphs, the pyramids, or the fact that cats are worshipped, there's clearly a lot of interest in this ancient civilization. Egyptian thinking was based on mathematics and canons, and as such they represent a distinct beauty for the Egyptian people. Numerous ancient peoples already valued the beauty of the human body as a miracle of Genesis. Egyptian history, with its visible remains and mystical narrative about its origin and development, has occupied the lives of many scientists, experts and ordinary lovers for centuries. The very word Egyptology today carries an overtone of pyramids, sphinxes, temples and pharaohs as the central figures of a civilization, whose influence was also transmitted to the surrounding societies of that time. With this work, we touch on the chronology of civilization, follow changes over time, and the development of hierarchical, religious, technological and cultural achievements. Egyptian civilization bases its progress primarily on the Nile River, which, in addition to basic nutrition, enables the transport of people and goods, but also ensures communication connections. Also in Egypt we have the mystical side, pharaohs with the status of divinity, gods who actively participate in human lives, the cult of death and a culture of fulfilled living. Archaeological findings of remains of clothing, footwear and everyday objects allow us to gain an insight into the way of life at that time and leave a link with traditions that have survived to the present day. One of these traditions is the use of cosmetics, which developed from the need for hygiene and protection from the sun, and turned into body beautification, the climax of which was the ritual mummification of the body of the deceased and preparation for eternal life. Cosmetics, in comparison, led to the development of medicine, while the beautification of the human body with color has persisted to the present day. Without exception and regardless of gender, men and women decorated their faces with decorative cosmetics, and one of the cult products is certainly kohl. |