Sažetak | Cilj diplomskog rada pod naslovom "Komunikacijski obrasci tijekom procesa žalovanja i pogreba kroz kros-kulturnu perspektivu" je istražiti kako kulture komuniciraju vjerovanja i osjećaje povezane s procesom žalovanja i ritualnim izražavanjem tuge nakon smrti bliskih osoba. Iako je proces žalovanja uvelike individualna stvar, kulturni faktor ima vrlo važnu ulogu u tome kako ljudi percipiraju smrt i na koji način nalaze ohrabrenje i utjehu (Pentaris, 2011). Mnogi autori stoga prave razliku između tuge i žalovanja, smatrajući da je tuga subjektivno stanje, skup osjećaja koji se spontano javljaju nakon smrti, dok je žalovanje skup rituala ili ponašanja propisanih kulturnom tradicijom. Brojne kroskulturalne studije pokazuju kako različite kulturne tradicije i koncepcije smrti imaju primjetan utjecaj na životni stil njihovih pripadnika, njihovu spremnost da umru, stupanj do kojeg se boje smrti, način na koji komuniciraju i izražavaju tugu i žalost, te prirodu pogrebnih rituala (Gire, 2014). U nekim kulturama riječ tuga za preminulom osobom kao grief nema ekvivalentan prijevod, što nas prema ideji lingvističkog determinizma navodi na pomisao da će i proces žalovanja biti drugačiji. U ovom diplomskom radu će se opisati kako izgleda i koliko traje proces žalovanja s obzirom na kulturološke i religijske obrasce i čimbenike. Iako je smrt univerzalna činjenica i ljudski odgovor tugovanja instiktivan (Bowlby, 1990), izražavanje tih emocija je kulturalno uvjetovano pogrebnim ritualima, tradicijama i običajima. Ti rituali su važno sredstvo pomoću kojih pojedinci mogu javno izraziti svoje emocije kako bi se nosili s predvidivim razornim utjecajem tih događaja, stoga društvo koristi institucionalizirane rituale koji dopuštaju ljudima da podijele ta iskustva na prihvaćene, konvencionalne načine (Moisseef, 2020). Oni su vrlo važni za čovjeka jer mu pružaju sigurnost i društvenu pripadnost, što se naročito pokazalo u vremenu pandemije kada su restrikcije pogrebnih rituala uzrokovanih pandemijom osvijestile važnost rituala žalovanja i ispraćaja u nekim kulturama kao važan dio procesa prihvaćanja smrti (Lewis, Šikanjić, 2021). Stoga je specifičan cilj ovog diplomskog rada istražiti utjecaj odabranih kulturnih i religijskih obrazaca na proces žalovanja i načine na koje komuniciramo osjećaje povezane sa smrću (verbalne i ritualne). Poseban naglasak će se staviti na događaj pandemije i način na koji je društvena izolacija i nemogućnost ritualnog izražavanja tuge utjecala na proces žalovanja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The purpose of this master's thesis named “Communication Patterns During the Mourning and Funeral Process from a Cross-Cultural Perspective” is to research the way how different cultures communicate their beliefs and feelings related to the process of mourning and expressing grief after the death of their loved ones. Although the process of mourning differs on an individual basis, a cultural factor has a great role in the way people perceive death and find reassurance and comfort (Pentairs, 2011). Therefore, numerous authors have made a difference between sadness and mourning, claiming that sadness is a subjective state and a collection of feelings that occur spontaneously after the death of a loved one. On the other hand, they view mourning as a collection of rituals or behaviors set by one’s culture. Many cross-cultural studies have shown that different cultural customs and different ways of how people perceive death have a significant influence on their lifestyle, their readiness to die, the degree to which they fear death, the way they communicate and express their sadness and grief, and the nature of funerary rituals (Gire, 2014). In some cultures, the word grief does not have an equivalent translation, which, according to linguistic determinism, points us to the fact that the process of grief is not the same in every culture. This paper will describe different mourning processes, their nature, and length, according to different cultural and religious patterns and influencers. Although death is a universal fact and the human response to it is to grieve instinctively (Bowlby, 1990), the expression of these emotions is culturally determined by funerary rituals, traditions, and customs. Those rituals are an important tool that individuals can use to publicly express their emotions in order to bear with the unavoidable devastating impact of those events. Therefore, society tends to use institutionalized rituals that allow people to share their experiences in conventional ways (Moisseef, 2020). They are very important to an individual since they give them a sense of safety and social inclusivity, which has particularly become apparent during the pandemic times when social restrictions in funerary rituals raised awareness about grieving rituals in some cultures as an important part of the process of accepting death (Lewis, Šikanjić, 2021). Thus, the specific aim of this master thesis is to find out more about the influence of particular cultural and religious patterns on the grieving process and the ways we communicate the verbal and ritual feelings related to death. A particular emphasis will be put on the pandemic and the way that social isolation and the inability of ritual expression of grief impacted the process of mourning. |