Sažetak | Koristeći povijesne izvore kao što su statuti komuna na istočnoj obali Jadrana te zapise sudskih kaznenih postupaka iz Dubrovnika, kao i rezultate ranijih istraživanja renomiranih hrvatskih povjesničara na temu kaznenog progona u Dubrovniku i drugim srednjovjekovnim gradovima istočnog Jadrana, u radu su obrađena kaznena djela i spolni delikti u srednjovjekovnom razdoblju. Također su u ovom radu obrađeni načini izvršenja kaznenih djela kao i vrste kazni i načini kažnjavanja počinitelja tih djela. Obrađen je i srednjovjekovni kazneni sustav, metode provođenja pravnog sustava te samim time i njegova uspješnost što je jasan pokazatelj uređenosti gradskih vlasti. U samom uvodu rada spominje se razvoj gradskih statuta, posebice statuti grada Splita, Dubrovnika, Brača, Korčule, Poljica i Kotora koji su pratili razvoj trgovine i gospodarstva, ne samo na području istočnog Jadrana nego i cijele Europe. Spomenuta je struktura rada kao i sama metodologija istraživanja. Nakon toga navode se kaznena djela protiv života i tijela, te su detaljnije obrađena djela ubojstva među krvnim srodnicima, supružnicima, te čedomorstvo kao specifičan oblik ubojstva. Nadalje je obrađena tema spolnih delikata, točnije silovanja, te propisane kazne za isto prema statutima pojedinih gradova. Analizirana su i najčešća sredstva s kojima su počinjena kaznena djela. Drugu polovicu rada čini analiza srednjovjekovnog kaznenog sustava te tipovi i način pokretanja sudskog postupka. Sam kraj rada je posvećen vrstama kazni kao i njihovom provođenju što se uglavnom moglo iščitati iz gradskih statuta, a kao glavni razlog tome je što se u srednjovjekovnim spisima slučajeva često izostavljalo izricanje kazni. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Using historical sources such as the statutes of communes on the eastern Adriatic coast and records of judicial criminal proceedings from Dubrovnik, as well as the results of previous research by renowned Croatian historians on the topic of prosecution in Dubrovnik and other medieval cities of the eastern Adriatic, the work deals with crimes and sexual offences in the medieval period. This work also deals with the ways of carrying out crimes as well as the types of penalties and ways of punishing the perpetrators of these acts. The medieval penal system, the methods of enforcing the legal system and therefore its success, which is a clear indicator of the orderliness of the city authorities, has also been dealt with. The very introduction of the article mentions the development of the city Statutes, especially the Statutes of the City of Split, Dubrovnik, Brac, Poljica and Kotor, which accompanied the development of trade and economy, not only in the eastern Adriatic, but also in the whole of Europe. The structure of the work was mentioned as well as the research methodology itself. After that, crimes against life and bodies were cited, and the acts of murder among blood relatives, spouses, and infanticide as a specific form of murder were dealt with in more detail. Furthermore, the topic of sexual offences, namely rape, and the prescribed punishment for the same according to the Statutes of individual cities, is covered. The most common tools with which crimes were committed were also analysed. The second half of the work consists of the analysis of the medieval penal system and the types and method of initiation of legal proceedings. The very end of the work is dedicated to the types of punishments as well as their implementation, which could mainly be read from the city Statutes, and as the main reason for this is that in medieval case files, the imposition of penalties was often omitted. |