Sažetak | Primjenom modela JPP-a, privatni sektor može uposliti svoje resurse i vještine u pružanju dobara i usluga koje tradicionalno osiguravaju državne službe te se na taj način osigurava veći broj izgrađenih potrebnih građevina i brzo zadovoljavanje potreba društvenog standarda.
Javni partneri mogu biti Republika Hrvatska posredovanjem mjerodavnog ministarstva Vlade RH, javne ustanove i trgovačka društva koja su u većinskom vlasništvu RH, jedinica lokalne i /ili područne (regionalne) samouprave (županije, gradovi, općine). Privatni partner je domaća pravna osoba u većinskom privatnom vlasništvu, koja samostalno ili udružena s još nekom privatnom tvrtkom, sklapa ugovor o JPP-u s javnim partnerom. Više je zainteresiranih partnera u u JPP-u, a najvažnija je javnost, odnosno korisnici javnih dobara i usluga. Rizik kod JPP-ova odnosi se na neizvjesnost ishoda, što ima izravan učinak ili na omogućavanje usluga ili na financijsku održivost projekta. U oba je slučaja rezultat gubitak ili trošak koji netko mora snositi, jedan je od glavnih elemenata strukturiranja JPP-a utvrđivanje gdje će taj gubitak ili trošak biti. Javna gradska garaža, financirana kroz model JPP-a, trebala je riješiti ili bar donekle ublažiti najveći problem grada Dubrovnika – promet kao i prateću infrastrukturu. Grad Dubrovnik je kao javni partner raspisao javno nadmetanje objavljeno u NN 9.2.2004. gdje je objavljeno sljedeće: čestice zemlje na kojima će se graditi buduća garaža, početna visina naknade za osnivanje prava građenja, definiran rok prava građenja, rok za dostavu ponuda, što sve ponuda mora sadržavati, jamstvo za ozbiljnost ponude, idejni projekt zajedno sa pratećim sadržajima, definiran cjenik za usluge javne garaže i kriteriji bodovanja najpovoljnije ponude. Pristigla je samo jedna ponuda i to ona Midia grupe d.o.o. koja je zadovoljavala sve uvjete Grada Dubrovnika. Nakon likvidacije i brisanja svih društava iz Sudskog registra koji su upravljali javnom garažom, trenutno istom upravlja BOE Croatia d.o.o. za upravljanje nekretninama sa sjedištem u gradu Zagrebu, Planinska 13 a, OIB: 49083584371, a koja pripada grupaciji BOE Gebäudemanagement sa sjedištem u Innsbrucku i podružnicom u Beču od 2007. godine. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The private sector was enabled to offer its resources and skills among the goods and services
that have been traditionally offered by the state institutes, after the PPP was applied. The main
goal of the PPP Model is to assure greater number of the necessary institutes and rapid
satisfaction of the social standard needs. The public partner can be the Republic of Croatia. Its
partnership can be applied through the agency of the competent ministry, public institutes and
trading companies that are under the ownership of the Republic of Croatia, as well as through
the agency of the units of the local and/or regional administration. The private partner is legal
individual who has major ownership over the private property. The legal individual, acting
independently or cooperating with other private company, makes a contract for the PPP with
the public partner. The risk directly affects the services to be enabled or it affects project’s
financial sustainability. In each case, the result is the loss or the cost that has to be solved.
Therefore, one of the main elements of the PPP structuring is to detect beforehand where the
possible loss or cost could occur. The public garage that was financied through the PPP
should solve or at least moderate the traffic as well as the accompaning infrastrucutre which is
the biggest problem in the city of Dubrovnik. The city of Dubrovnik as the public partner
announced the contest in the official gazette Narodne Novine on the ninth of February,
2004th. The following criteria were listed: surface assigned by the city of Dubrovnik, the
initial amount of compensation that was needed in order to establish the constructing rights,
deadline for the constructing rights and to enclose the offer, financial guarantee, project with
the accompaning facilities, defined price list for the public garage services and criteria used to
select the most economically offer. Offer that was submitted by the Midia Group Ltd was the
only one that was received and the only one that fullfilled all the criteria. BOE Croatia Ltd is
currently managing the public garage after the liquidation process was completed and after all
liability companies that had managed public garage in the past were excluded from the Court
register. BOE Croatia Ltd with the headquarter in the city of Zagreb (Planinska 13a, PINA:
49083584371) is part of the BOE Gebäudemanagement corporation with the headquarter in
the city of Insnsbruck and branch in the city of Vienna from the 2007th. |