Sažetak | Medicinska pomoć je prisutna još od prapovijesti, čiji dokazi upućuju na primjenu imobilizacije i ekstenzije udova. Velike zasluge donio je Hipokrat, koji je prvi odvojio znanost od magije, pa je stoga proglašen ocem medicine. Hitna medicinska služba je timski orijentirana djelatnost koja ima veliki utjecaj na pacijente i građane. Na području Međimurske županije djeluju 5 timova, sjedište i 4 ispostave. Sjedište Čakovec djeluje sa dva Tima 1 koji se sastoje od liječnika, medicinskog tehničara/sestre i vozača. U Ispostavi Prelog djeluje jedan Tim1 koji se sastoji od liječnika, medicinskog tehničara/sestre i vozača. U Ispostavi Mursko Središće djeluje jedan Tim 2 koji se sastoji od dva medicinska tehničara/sestre. Najnovija Ispostava Kotoriba radi od petka u 19,00 sati do ponedjeljka u 07,00 sati, a u istoj djeluje jedan Tim 2 koji se sastoji od dva medicinska tehničara/sestre. Svatko tko radi u medicinskom timu hitne pomoći prošao je posebnu obuku i edukaciju te se svake 3 godine mora napraviti relicenca. Hitna medicinska služba se zove kada je ugrožen život ili teško narušeno zdravlje poput prometnih nesreća, zastoja rada srca i disanja, gubitka svijesti, iznenadnih bolova u prsnom košu, otrovanja lijekovima ili narkoticima, itd. Prilikom poziva na 194, javit će se medicinski dispečer koji će prema Hrvatskom indeksu za prijem hitnog poziva procijeniti stanje i donijeti odluku o prirodi bolesti ili događaju te o daljnjem postupanju. Prilikom razgovora s medicinskim dispečerom, važno je ostati smiren, razgovijetno i mirno pričati, precizno opisati gdje se nalazi osoba kojoj je potrebna pomoć, u kakvom je stanju osoba, te najvažnije od svega ostati s pacijentom do dolaska hitne pomoći. Prema statističkim podacima Zavoda za Hitnu medicinu Međimurske županije, od 01. siječnja 2019. godine do 30. lipnja 2019. godine ukupno je zaprimljeno 13 107 poziva, od kojih je najviše intervencija i to u sjedištu Čakovec kako i pregleda. Najčešći pozivatelji su bili rodbina. Alarmantan je podatak da je od 3724 pregleda, samo njih 17 bilo hitnih, što pokazuje needuciranost građana o hitnim stanjima. Svaki posao, pa tako i posao djelatnika HMP-a (hitne medicinske pomoći), ima svoje prednosti i nedostatke koji su opisani u radu. Najvažnije u ovom radu je uloga medicinske sestre u medicinsko prijavno-dojavnoj jedinicu, koja sa svojim znanjem može educirati ostale građane kada zvati HMS, kako razgovarati te koja je razlika između hitnih od ne hitnih stanja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Medical care has been present since prehistoric times, the evidence of which suggests the use of immobilization and extension of the limbs. Great credit was given to Hippocrates, who first separated science from magic and was therefore proclaimed the father of medicine. Emergency medical service is a team-oriented work that has a great impact on patients and citizens. In the area of Međimurje County there are 5 teams or four substations. The Čakovec branch office is headquartered with two teams 1 consisting of a doctor, a nurse and a driver. There is one Tim1 in the Prelog substation, consisting of a doctor, a nurse and a driver. There is one Tim2 in substation Mursko Sredisce consisting of two medical technicians / nurses. Kotorib's newest substation is open from 7.00pm to 7pm on Monday, with one Team 2 consisting of two medical technicians / nurses operating in the same office. Everyone who works in the medical ambulance team has received special training and education and must be re-issued every 3 years. Emergency medical service is called when is life endagered or severely impaired health such as car accidents, cardiac arrest and breathing, loss of consciousness, sudden chest pain, poisoning with drugs or narcotics, etc. When dialing 194, a medical dispatcher will be contacted to evaluate the situation and make a decision on the nature of the disease or event and on further treatment according to the Croatian Emergency Call Index. When talking to a medical dispatcher, it is important to remain calm, talk and talk calmly, accurately describe where the person in need is, what the person is, and most importantly, stay with the patient until an ambulance arrives. According to the statistics of the Institute for Emergency Medicine of Međimurje County, from January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019, a total of 13 107 calls were received, of which the most were interventions in the Čakovec branch, the most frequent callers being relatives and most of the examinations were in the Čakovec substation. Alarmingly, of the 3724 examinations, there were only 17 emergencies, which shows the need for emergency responders. Each job, including the work of an EMA (Emergency Medical Assistant) staff member, has its own advantages and disadvantages that are described in this master thesis. Most important in this master thesis is the role of the nurse in the medical reporting unit, which with its knowledge can educate other citizens when to call HMS, how to talk and what is the difference between emergency and non-emergency situations. |