Sažetak | Ovaj rad će nam pojasniti rad jedne samoodržive kuće koja je realna i postoji. Vrlo je dobro što se ne radi o nekoj tuđoj kući, nego o baš postojećoj kući koju samostalno i to kroz etape preuređujemo u samoodrživu. Prvenstveno nam je cilj pojasniti sve elemente i sustave koji se ugrađuju, a potrebni su nam da dođemo do krajnjeg rezultata. Tako ćemo opisati solarne panele, baterije, kontrolere, pametne uređaje i prekidače, solarne grijače... Na kraju ćemo ih sve povezati u jedan jedinstveni sustav kroz centralno računalo.
Vrlo nam je bitna i anketa, kroz koju ćemo saznati zainteresiranost i upućenost naših ispitanika. Zanima nas koliko su ljudi ekološki osviješteni i kolika je njihova želja da budu energetski neovisni. Nažalost u Hrvatskoj to još nije tako rašireno, jer ljudi teže prihvaćaju nove tehnologije i trendove. Nekim ljudima nikako nije jasno kako se sunčeva energija, odnosno svjetlost može pretvoriti u 240V izmjenične energije koja može napajati našu kuću pa nije rijetko da niti ne vjeruju u takve sustave.
Na kraju kada dobijemo sve te informacije i razradimo temu do kraja, možemo donijeti zaključak. Zaključak je vrlo bitan jer nam govori dali nam se uopće isplati krenuti u takve velike projekte i dali smo uspjeli ljude zainteresirati oko obnovljivih izvora energije. Ovaj rad tome i teži, da pokuša uz jedan stvaran primjer ohrabriti ljude kako bi svoje domove prenamijenili u samoodržive i pametne. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This work will explain to us the work of a self-sustaining house that is real and exists. It is very good that it is not someone else's house, but an existing house that we are renovating independently and in stages into a self-sustainable one. Our primary goal is to clarify all the elements and systems that are being installed, and we need them to reach the final result. This is how we will describe solar panels, batteries, controllers, smart devices and switches, solar heaters... In the end, we will connect them all into one unique system through a central computer.
The survey is also very important to us, through which we will find out the interest and familiarity of our respondents. We are interested in how environmentally aware people are and how much their desire is to be energy independent. Unfortunately, in Croatia it is not yet so widespread, because people have a harder time accepting new technologies and trends. Some people do not at all understand how solar energy, or light, can be converted into 240V alternating energy that can power our house, so it is not uncommon for them not to believe in such systems.
At the end, when we get all this information and work out the topic to the end, we can draw a conclusion. The conclusion is very important because it tells us whether it is even worth it to embark on such large projects and whether we have succeeded in getting people interested in renewable energy sources. This diploma thesis strives for that, to try with a real example to encourage people to convert their homes into self-sustainable and smart ones. |