Sažetak | Dijabetes melitus je kronična bolest koja uzrokuje poremećaj proizvodnje inzulina, hormona koji regulira razinu šećera u krvi. Razlikujemo 2 tipa bolesti; tip 1, kada gušterača ne proizvodi inzulin i tip 2, kada je učinak proizvedenog inzulina smanjen. Prema podacima CroDiab Registra osoba sa šećernom bolešću, u Hrvatskoj je u 2020. bilo 310.212 osoba sa šećernom bolesti, a broj oboljelih povećava se iz godine u godinu. U ovom istraživanju vidljivo je da je
dijabetes bolest koja zahvaća muškarce i žene gotovo podjednako. Analizom dobi dijabetes većinom zahvaća starije osobe tj. osobe poodmakle životne dobi, a u jako malom postotku mlađe od 50 godina. Raspodjela ispitanika odnosno oboljelih na tip bolesti prati globalne trendove u kojima DM1 čini tek 10 % dok ostatak oboljelih ima DM2. Osobe sa DM2 imaju problema sa pretilošću, a tek 15.6% ispitanika u ovom istraživanju ima normalnu tjelesnu težinu. Osobe oboljele od DM1 čine 9,7% i nemaju problema sa morbidnom pretilošću. Analizom razina Hba1c ispitanika podijeljenih u kategorije nutritivnog statusa pokazale su da naša teza nije točna i u ovom istraživanju najgore reguliran Hba1c imaju osobe 1. stupnja pretilosti, a najbolje reguliran imaju osobe 2. stupnja pretilosti. Takve rezultate istraživanja moguće možemo objasniti pretpostavkom da su edukacija i intervencija odabranog endokrinologa ipak dale rezultata kod pacijenata koji osim visoke razine pretilosti imaju i zabrinjavajuće meritorne medicinske nalaze. Broj komorbiditeta kao što je bilo i očekivano rastao je s indeksom tjelesne mase gdje su osobe normalne tjelesne težine imale minimalan broj ili uopće nisu imale komorbiditete, a osobe 2.stupnja pretilosti i morbidno pretili ispitanici imali su u prosjeku tri komorbiditeta s time da su morbidno pretile osobe imale neznačajno veći rizik od osoba 2. stupnja pretilosti. Istraživanje je dokazalo da osobe zdrave tjelesne težine imaju puno kvalitetniji život od osoba prekomjerne tjelesne težine. Kvaliteta života se kreće obrnuto proporcionalno stupnju uhranjenosti. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that causes a disruption in the production of insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. We distinguish between 2 types of disease; type 1, when the pancreas does not produce insulin and type 2, when the effect of the produced insulin is reduced. According to data from the CroDiab Register of people suffering from diabetes, there were 310,212 people suffering from diabetes in Croatia in 2020, and the number of people suffering from diabetes is increasing every year. In this research it is evident that
diabetes is a disease that affects men and women almost equally. By analyzing age, diabetes mostly affects older people, i.e. people of advanced age, and in a very small percentage under the age of 50. The distribution of respondents or patients by type of disease follows global trends in which DM1 accounts for only 10%, while the rest of the patients have DM2. People with DM2 have a problem with obesity, and only 15.6% of respondents in this study have a normal body weight. People suffering from DM1 make up 9.7% and do not have a problem with morbid obesity. The analysis of the level of Hba1c of subjects divided into the category of nutritional status showed that our thesis is not correct and in this study, the worst regulated Hba1c is found in people with 1st degree of obesity, and the best regulated is in people with 2nd degree of obesity. Such research results can be explained by the assumption that the education and intervention of the selected endocrinologist are still better results in patients who, in addition to high levels of obesity, also have worrisome meritorious medical findings. As expected, the number of comorbidities increased with body mass index, where people of normal body weight had a minimal number or no comorbidities at all, and persons with obesity of the 2nd degree and morbidly obese subjects had an average of three comorbidities with the time that they were morbidly obese. obese people had a slightly higher risk than people with 2nd degree of obesity. Research has shown that people with a healthy weight have a much better quality of life than overweight people. The quality of life moves inversely proportional to the category of obesity. |