Sažetak | Reumatoidni artritis (RA) jest autoimuna, sistemska bolest koja najčešće zahvaća sinovijalne zglobove. Reumatska oboljenja bolna su za pojedinca, ona dovode do nesposobnosti za rad, smanjuju kvalitetu života i mogu čak dovesti do teškog oblika invaliditeta. Manifestacija reumatoidnog artritisa jest zahvaćenost malih zglobova šaka i stopala, a nakon toga zahvaća i veće zglobove, karakteristična je i jutarnja ukočenost ruku koja traje do 30 minuta. RA može se pojaviti i izvanzglobnim manifestacijama. Pojavnost reumatoidnog artritisa češća je u žena nego u muškaraca, a uzrok reumatoidnog artritisa još uvijek nije poznat. Kod postavljanja dijagnoze prvo se mora uzeti anamneza od pacijenta, a poslije toga vrši se fizikalni pregled. Osim fizikalnog pregleda za postavljanje dijagnoze potrebne su dijagnostičke obrade poput: radiološke obrade koje obuhvaćaju UZV, RTG snimanje, CT, MR, DXA i MSUS te laboratorijski nalazi. Liječenje se provodi farmakoterapijom i fizikalnom terapijom i rehabilitacijom, a glavni cilj liječenja jest smanjenje aktivnosti bolesti ili postizanje remisije te unaprjeđenje kvalitete života. Oboljeli od RA-a trebali bi konzumirati mediteransku prehranu, a ne preporučuju se konzumiranje kave, zaslađenih sokova, alkohola, soli i šećera. Uloga medicinske sestre kod reumatoidnog artritisa jest pacijenta i obitelj educirati o bolesti, uzimanju terapije, mogućim nuspojavama te kako nastaviti sa svakodnevnim životom. Kao što je važna edukacija pacijenta i obitelji, također je bitna i komunikacija između medicinske sestre i pacijenta, a i liječnika. Tako pacijent dobiva povjerenje u zdravstveno osoblje. U radu je opisan prikaz slučaja osobe oboljele od reumatoidnog artritisa, sestrinske dijagnoze, ciljevi i intervencije vezane uz slučaj. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimune, systemic disease that most often affects the synovial joints. Rheumatic diseases are painful for the individual, they lead to incapacity for work, reduce the quality of life and can even lead to a severe form of disability. The manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis is the involvement of small joints of the hands and feet, and after that it affects larger joints, is characteristic and morning stiffness of the hands, which lasts up to 30 minutes. RA can also be manifested by extra-articular manifestations. The incidence of rheumatoid arthritis is more common in women than in men, and the cause of rheumatoid arthritis is still unkown. When making a diagnosis, a medical history must first be taken the patient, and after that, a physical examination is carried out. In addition to physical examination, diagnostic treatments such as radiological examination, which include ultrasound, X-ray imaging, CT, MRI, DXA and MSUS, and laboratory findings, are required to make a diagnosis. Treatment is carried out by pharmacotherapy and physical therapy and rehabilitation, and the main goal of treatment is to reduce the activity of the disease or achieve remission and improve the quality of life. People with RA should consume the Mediterranen diet and it is not recommended to consume coffee, sweetened juices, alcohol, salt and sugar. The role of a nurse in rheumatoid arthritis is to educate the patient and family about the disease, taking therapy, possible side effects, how to continue with everyday life. Just as educating the patient and the family is important, communication between the nurse and the patient and the doctor, is also important. This is how the patient gains confidence in the health care staff. The paper describes a case report of a person suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, nursing diagnosis, goals and interventions related to the case. |