Sažetak | Gripa pripada respiratornim bolestima koju uzrokuje virus influence. Najčešće pojavljivanje gripe je za vrijeme hladnijih razdoblja. Znakovi i simptomi bolesti mogu varirati od blagih, umjerenih do teških simptoma i znakova. Gripa kao i novonastala bolest COVID-19 mogu stvarati probleme kod imunokompromitiranih osoba, trudnica, male djece. Virus influence i virus SARS-CoV-2 primarno se prenosi putem respiratornih kapljica koje se rasprše prilikom kihanja, kašljanja te dospiju direktno na drugu osobu ili na ostale predmete. Postoji također mogućnost ko-infekcije odnosno istovremene zaraze virusom gripe i virusom SARS-CoV-2 gdje se javljaju simptomi kao što su povišena tjelesna temperatura, kašalj, umor, glavobolja, poremećaj mirisa i okusa. Vrlo bitno je poštivanje preporuka od strane Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije, rano prepoznavanje znakova i simptoma infekcije te rano liječenje kako bi se prevenirale teške komplikacije. Ključan način prevencije teških komplikacija je cijepljenje protiv COVID-19 bolesti i gripe a time i preveniranje nastanka istodobne infekcije navedenim virusima.
Prilikom istraživanja kojemu je cilj bio ispitati znanja i stavove opće populacije o ko-infekciji virusom gripe i virusom SARS-CoV-2 te uvidjeti koji je javnozdravstveni značaj, sudjelovalo je 300 ispitanika. Anketni online upitnik pod nazivom „Ko-infekcija virusom gripe i virusom SARS-CoV-2: javnozdravstveni značaj i stavovi opće populacije“ sastojao se od 17 pitanja. Prvi dio anketnog online upitnika sastojao se od socidemografskih pitanja a drugi dio od specifičnih pitanja vezanih uz temu. Ispitanici koji su sudjelovali u online upitniku (300) većinom su bili ženskog spola odnosno njih 248 dok preostalih 51 ispitanik bio je muškog spola. Ispitanici koji su sudjelovali u istraživanju bili su u dobnom rasponu od 20 godina (i manje) pa do 50 i više godina života. Najveći broj ispitanika bio je u dobnoj skupini od 20-30 godina (192). 187 ispitanika navodi završenu srednju školu kao najveći stupanj obrazovanja dok 219 ispitanika nema završenu srednju medicinsku školu. Budući da veći broj ispitanika nema završenu medicinsku školu znanje ispitanika je jako dobro te 295 ispitanika zna da gripa i COVID-19 spadaju u virusne bolesti. Velik broj ispitanika (220) ispitanika smatraju da se mogu zaraziti istovremeno i virusom gripe i virusom SARS-CoV-2, 168 ispitanika zna što je pojam ko-infekcija te više od polovice (151) smatraju da istodobna infekcija najviše doprinosi promjenama u tjelesnom zdravlju. Također 126 ispitanika smatra da su u nekom periodu života bili istovremeno zaraženi navedenim virusima. Neke od najčešćih posljedica koje su ispitanici naveli su izostanak sa posla/škole/studije. Povišena tjelesna temperatura, glavobolja, bolovi u kostima i mišićima, opća slabost, kašalj, poremećaj mirisa i okusa kao jedne od najčešćih simptoma koje su imali tijekom infekcije. Cjepivo protiv bolesti COVID-19 primilo je 153 ispitanika dok je samo 6 ispitanika cijepljeno protiv gripe.
Gripa u prošlosti ali i danas kao i bolest COVID-19 javnozdravstveni je problem koji je potrebno pratiti i držati pod kontrolom. Budući da se može javiti i ko-infekcija virusom gripe i virusom SARS-CoV-2 smjernice i upute od strane javnog zdravstva imaju ključnu ulogu. Cijepljenje kao jedna od mjera u prevenciji nastanka bolesti i sprečavanju komplikacija vrlo je važna stoga veća procijepljenost doprinosi smanjenom broju oboljelih i smanjenom broju nastalih komplikacija. Posljedice nakon pandemije već su vidljive stoga zdravstveni radnici imaju važnu ulogu u zbrinjavanju osoba sa nastalim posljedicama ali i unaprjeđenje zdravlja te promoviranju zdravlja kako bi izbjegli oboljenje. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Influenza is a respiratory disease caused by the influenza virus. The most common occurrence of flu is during colder periods. Signs and symptoms of the disease can vary from mild, moderate to severe symptoms and signs. Influenza, as well as the new disease COVID-19, can cause problems for immunocompromised people, pregnant women, and small children. The influenza virus and the SARS-CoV-2 virus are primarily transmitted through respiratory droplets that are dispersed when sneezing or coughing and reach another person or other objects directly. There is also the possibility of co-infection, i.e. simultaneous infection with the flu virus and the SARS-CoV-2 virus, where symptoms such as elevated body temperature, cough, fatigue, headache, and smell and taste disorders occur. It is very important to follow the recommendations of the World Health Organization, early recognition of signs and symptoms of infection, and early treatment in order to prevent serious complications. The key way to prevent serious complications is vaccination against the COVID-19 disease and flu, and thus the prevention of simultaneous infection with the aforementioned viruses.
A total of 300 respondents participated in the research, whose goal was to examine the knowledge and attitudes of the general population about co-infection with the influenza virus and the SARS-CoV-2 virus and to see what the public health significance is. The online survey questionnaire entitled "Co-infection with influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2 virus: public health significance and attitudes of the general population" consisted of 17 questions. The first part of the online questionnaire consisted of socio-demographic questions and the second part of specific questions related to the topic. Respondents who took part in the online questionnaire (300) were mostly female, i.e. 248 of them, while the remaining 51 respondents were male. The respondents who participated in the research were in the age range <20-50 and older. The largest number of respondents was in the age group of 20-30 years (192). A total of 187 respondents indicate completed secondary school as the highest level of education, while 219 respondents have not completed secondary medical school. Since the majority of respondents have not completed medical school, their knowledge is very good and 295 respondents know that flu and COVID-19 are viral diseases. A large number of respondents (220) believe that they can be infected with the flu virus and the SARS-CoV-2 virus at the same time, 168 respondents know what co-infection is, and more than half (151) believe that simultaneous infection contributes the most to changes in physical health. Also, 126 respondents believe that at some point in their lives they were simultaneously infected with the mentioned viruses. Some of the most common consequences cited by the respondents were absenteeism from work/school/study.
Elevated body temperature, headache, bone and muscle pain, general weakness, cough, smell and taste disturbance as one of the most common symptoms they had during the infection. 153 subjects received the vaccine against the disease COVID-19, while only 6 subjects were vaccinated against the flu. The subjects mentioned elevated body temperature, headache, bone and muscle pain, general weakness, cough, smell and taste disturbance as one of the most common symptoms they had during the infection. 153 subjects received the vaccine against the disease COVID-19, while only 6 subjects were vaccinated against the flu.
Influenza in the past, but also today, like the disease COVID-19, is a public health problem that needs to be monitored and kept under control. Since co-infection with influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2 virus can occur, guidelines and instructions from public health have a key role. Vaccination as one of the measures in the prevention of the onset of disease and the prevention of complications is very important, therefore greater vaccination contributes to a reduced number of patients and a reduced number of complications. The consequences after the pandemic are already visible, so health workers have an important role in caring for people with the resulting consequences, but also improving health and promoting health in order to avoid illness. |