Sažetak | Ovaj rad opisuje implementaciju sustava za daljinsko upravljanje tehnološkim procesima
putem IoT tehnologije. Korištenjem mikroupravljača ESP8266, senzora, aktuatora i ostalih
komponenti, omogućeno je praćenje i upravljanje parametrom temperature preko Web sučelja.
Sustav omogućuje operaterima da u stvarnom vremenu prate stanje procesa i po potrebi izvršavaju
prilagodbe, bez potrebe za fizičkom prisutnošću. Uređaji komuniciraju putem Wi-Fi signala, a
Web sučelje pruža jednostavan grafički prikaz podataka i kontrolu, čime se povećava efikasnost i
sigurnost procesa.
Nakon planiranja i prikupljana komponenti procesa započelo je testiranje mikroupravljača.
Korištenjem jednostavnijeg programa prvo su se testirale programske biblioteke (library)
temperaturnog senzora DS18b20, one pretvaraju analogne veličine u prepoznatljijve stupnjeve
Zatim se povezuje mikroupravljač ESP8266 s Web serverom korištenjem programskih biblioteka
i namještanjem „baud rate-a“. Kada se uspješno povezalo uključen je i HTML kojim se ispisao
izgled Web stranice. HTML također zahtijeva testiranje za uspješnu implementaciju.
Logika procesa tj. logika upravljanja se programira te povezuje s HTML-om. Logika se provjerava
pomoću LED žaruljica koje se kasnije koriste kao signalne.
Na Web sučelju mogu se odabrati sljedeći načini rada:
• Hlađenje/grijanje – uključuju se ventilator ili grijač
• Mirovanje – sve se gasi
• Auto – održava se upisana temperatura s histerezom (-+1℃)
Kad je utvrđeno da sve funkcionira na logičkoj i softverskoj razini izrađeno je kućište i spojeni
aktuatore procesa preko elektromagnetskih releja. Kod završnog spajanja testiraju se nazivne struje
i naponi pinova mikroupravljača kao i različite komponente procesa.
Nakon svih spanjanja i testiranja sve je implementirano u kućište, doveden je izvor
napajanja odvojen od računala i putem Web stranice može se upravljati procesom. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This paper describes the implementation of a system for remote management of technological
processes using IoT technology. By utilizing the ESP8266 microcontroller, sensors, actuators, and
other components, it enables monitoring and control of temperature parameters through a Web
interface. The system allows operators to monitor the process in real-time and make adjustments
as needed without requiring physical presence. Devices communicate via Wi-Fi signals, and the
Web interface provides a simple graphical display of data and controls, increasing the efficiency
and safety of the process.
After planning and gathering the necessary components, testing of the microcontroller began.
Using a simpler program, the libraries for the DS18b20 temperature sensor were first tested to
ensure they correctly converted analog values into recognizable degrees Celsius.
Next, the ESP8266 microcontroller was connected to the Web server using the appropriate
libraries and configuring the baud rate. Once the connection was established successfully, HTML
was implemented to display the Web page. The HTML setup was also tested to ensure proper
The control logic was then programmed and integrated with HTML, with verification carried
out using LED lights, which would later serve as signals. The control logic operates as follows,
based on selections made from the web interface:
• Cooling/Heating: The fan or heater is activated.
• Standby: All systems are turned off.
• Auto: The set temperature is maintained with hysteresis (+/- 1°C).
After confirming that everything functioned correctly at the logical and software levels, the
casing was built and actuators were connected through electromagnetic relays. During the final
assembly, the nominal currents and voltages of the microcontroller pins and various process
components were tested.
With all connections and tests completed, the entire assembly was placed in the casing,
connected to a power source separate from the computer, and the process was operated via the
Web interface. |