Sažetak | Hrvatski turizam svrstava se među ključne elemente nacionalne ekonomije i vanjskotrgovinske razmjene. Stvorio je prepoznatljiv identitet i svrstao se među turistički najrazvijenije zemlje Europe. Prepoznat je i u ostalim dijelovima svijeta, pa je Hrvatska postala turistička destinacija velikom broju turista iz najudaljenijih zemalja svijeta. Razvoj ovakvog turizma nije bio ni jednostavan niti lak jer turistička infrastruktura, koja je mogla zadovoljiti manje zahtjevne goste, trebala se mijenjati i prilagođavati gostima s novim ukusima i željama. Normalno je bilo da su se javljale različite želje i suprotni interesi, što je sve utjecalo na oblike turističke ponude. Uz pozitivne utjecaje koji su turizam doveli u krug turističkih velesila, javljali su se i određeni negativni utjecaji koji mu nisu pogodovali, a djeluju i danas. Ti se utjecaji u jednom kraćem ili dužem vremenskom periodu nastoje staviti pod kontrolu, premda to nije ni jednostavno ni lako. Globalizacijski procesi danas postaju nužnost u suvremenom gospodarskom razvoju, pa se vidi njihov učinak i na turističkom tržištu. Problem koji se javio početkom 2020. godine zahvatio je cijeli svijet sa neočekivano strašnim posljedicama. Nakon postignutih izvanrednih rezultata u dolascima, noćenjima i prihodima od turizma 2019. godine, Hrvatsku je zahvatila pandemija Covid-19 koja nije zaustavila samo turizam već je njezino djelovanje bilo puno gore i teže. Zahvaljujući znanju i spremnosti pandemija je u Hrvatskoj na vrijeme prepoznata i sa svim mjerama koje su poduzimane usporeno je njeno djelovanje, tako da su posljedice bile nešto manje negativne nego kod drugih zemalja. Vjerojatno će to imati pozitivan odjek i na turizam u 2021. godini, kada se očekuju povoljniji turistički rezultati nego 2020. godine ukoliko ne dođe do zaoštravanja mjera i ponovnog zatvaranja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Croatian tourism is one of the key elements of the national economy and foreign trade exchange.
It has created a recognizable identity and is thus ranked among the best-developed tourist
countries in Europe. It is also known in other parts of the world, so that Croatia has become a
tourist destination to a large number of tourists from the most remote countries of the world. To
develop such tourism was neither simple nor easy, since tourism infrastructure, that could satisfy
less demanding guests, has to be changed and adapted to guests with new taste and wishes. It
was normal that different wishes and opposite interests emerged, all having an impact to the
forms of tourist supply. Besides positive impacts that lead tourism into the circle of tourist
superpowers, there were also numerous negative impacts that had adverse influence, which still
have effect nowadays. In a shorter or longer period of time, there are efforts to bring those
impacts under control, although this neither simple, nor easy. The globalization process to day
becomes unavoidable necessity of modern economic development. There is evident presence of
globalization process at the tourism market. The problem that occurred in early 2020, is
something that has affected the whole world with unexpected dire consequences. After
outstanding results in arrivals, overnight stays and income from tourism in 2019, Croatia, as well
as the whole world, was hit by Covid-19 pandemic, which did not stop tourism itself, but its
effect was much worse and severe. Thanks to knowledge and readiness pandemic has been
recognized in Croatia in time and with all measures taken, the pandemic impact was slowed
down so that consequences were slightly less negative than in other countries. This will probably
reflect positively on tourism in 2021, where more favorable tourist results than in 2020 are
expected. This, only if there is no aggravation of measures, re-closing of borders and more
severe measures applied. |